An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / taxintt issue stats
Total issues: 1
Total pull requests: 75
Merged pull request: 72
Average time to close issues: N/A
Average time to close pull requests: 6 days
Average comments per issue: 0.0
Average comments per pull request: 0.01
Issues created
Pull requests created
- taxintt/tagli: 12
- taxintt/cloudbuild-infra-cicd-sample: 12
- taxintt/dotfiles: 11
- taxintt/go-playgrounds: 9
- taxintt/cloud-deploy-sample: 7
- taxintt/python-project-template: 7
- taxintt/actions-infra-cicd-sample: 5
- taxintt/ts-project-template: 3
- hatena/renovate-config: 2
- taxintt/fastapi-with-otel: 2
- taxintt/cloudsql-restore-workflow: 1
- taxintt/ts-action-template: 1
- catatsuy/private-isu: 1
- taxintt/taxintt: 1
- fujiwara/lambroll: 1
- taxintt/dotfiles: 12
- taxintt/tagli: 12
- taxintt/cloudbuild-infra-cicd-sample: 12
- taxintt/go-playgrounds: 9
- taxintt/cloud-deploy-sample: 7
- taxintt/python-project-template: 7
- taxintt/actions-infra-cicd-sample: 5
- taxintt/ts-project-template: 3
- taxintt/fastapi-with-otel: 2
- taxintt/taxintt: 1
- taxintt/cloudsql-restore-workflow: 1
- taxintt/ts-action-template: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (1, 100.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (71, 94.67%)
- Contributor (3, 4.00%)
- None (1, 1.33%)