An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / sophwats issue stats
Total issues: 4
Total pull requests: 53
Merged pull request: 46
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 4 days
Average comments per issue: 0.25
Average comments per pull request: 0.49
Issues created
Pull requests created
- radanalyticsio/jiminy-modeler: 16
- willb/sketching-workshop: 10
- willb/ml-workflows-for-developers: 9
- willb/openshift-ml-workflows-workshop: 5
- willb/fraud-notebooks: 5
- willb/ml-workflows-notebook: 2
- rh-aiservices-bu/object-detection-rest: 2
- willb/nachlass: 1
- rh-aiservices-bu/licence-plate-workshop: 1
- radanalyticsio/streaming-lab: 1
- kurtispykes/gcp-deployment-example: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (3, 75.00%)
- Contributor (1, 25.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (26, 49.06%)
- None (17, 32.08%)
- Contributor (10, 18.87%)