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GitHub / sophia-guo issue stats
Total issues: 127
Total pull requests: 167
Merged pull request: 141
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: 13 days
Average comments per issue: 3.85
Average comments per pull request: 2.19
Issues created
- adoptium/aqa-tests: 37
- adoptium/run-aqa: 22
- adoptium/infrastructure: 13
- eclipse-openj9/build-openj9: 10
- adoptium/build-jdk: 9
- adoptium/github-release-scripts: 5
- adoptium/temurin-build: 4
- sophia-guo/build-jdk-openj9: 4
- AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-api: 3
- sophia-guo/build-jdk-original: 3
- adoptium/tkg: 3
- adoptium/aqa-systemtest: 3
- AdoptOpenJDK/install-jdk: 2
- adoptium/adoptium: 2
- sophia-guo/runaqa: 2
- adoptium/temurin: 2
- sophia-guo/runaqaTest: 1
- adoptium/ci-jenkins-pipelines: 1
- adoptium/ 1
Pull requests created
- adoptium/aqa-tests: 53
- adoptium/temurin-build: 15
- adoptium/build-jdk: 15
- eclipse-openj9/build-openj9: 11
- sophia-guo/build-jdk-openj9: 11
- adoptium/ci-jenkins-pipelines: 10
- adoptium/run-aqa: 9
- adoptium/github-release-scripts: 7
- sophia-guo/runaqaTest: 7
- sophia-guo/runaqa: 6
- sophia-guo/build-jdk-original: 6
- adoptium/.github: 3
- adoptium/aqa-systemtest: 2
- AdoptOpenJDK/install-jdk: 2
- codecov/example-c: 2
- adoptium/jenkins-helper: 2
- adoptium/tkg: 2
- adoptium/mirror-scripts: 2
- adoptium/temurin: 1
- docker-library/official-images: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (96, 75.59%)
- None (19, 14.96%)
- Owner (10, 7.87%)
- Collaborator (2, 1.57%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (133, 79.64%)
- Owner (30, 17.96%)
- None (2, 1.20%)
- Collaborator (2, 1.20%)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (21)
- good first issue (9)
- enhancement (9)
- windows (7)
- testFail (7)
- testing (5)
- docker (3)
- os:windows (2)
- JBS (2)
- type:openjdk (2)
- arch:s390x (2)
- java8 (2)
- mac (2)
- arch:x64 (2)
- temurin-release (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- enhancement (42)
- testing (12)
- invalid (8)
- jenkins-pipeline (7)
- bug (4)
- macos (4)
- jenkins (3)
- documentation (3)
- awaiting-merge-post-release (3)
- mac (2)
- wontfix (2)
- generation (2)
- aarch (2)
- x-linux (1)
- library/eclipse-temurin (1)