An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / shadoof issue stats
Total issues: 181
Total pull requests: 28
Merged pull request: 27
Average time to close issues: about 1 month
Average time to close pull requests: about 10 hours
Average comments per issue: 2.75
Average comments per pull request: 0.04
Issues created
- shadoof/rtwtr: 55
- shadoof/thelisteners: 32
- dhowe/ReadersJS: 29
- wphicks/writing3d: 24
- dhowe/RELC3: 18
- dhowe/RiTa: 7
- dhowe/ramble: 6
- alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-java: 3
- dhowe/ritajs-v2: 3
- dhowe/ritajs: 2
- processing/p5.js-sound: 1
- cqx931/digitallanguageart: 1
Pull requests created
- dhowe/ReadersJS: 19
- dhowe/ramble: 4
- dhowe/Automatype: 3
- shadoof/rtwtr: 2
- shadoof/rtwtr: 57
- dhowe/ReadersJS: 48
- shadoof/thelisteners: 32
- wphicks/writing3d: 24
- dhowe/RELC3: 18
- dhowe/ramble: 10
- dhowe/RiTa: 7
- dhowe/ritajs-v2: 3
- dhowe/ritajs: 2
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (89, 49.17%)
- Owner (87, 48.07%)
- None (5, 2.76%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (23, 82.14%)
- None (3, 10.71%)
- Owner (2, 7.14%)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (45)
- enhancement (30)
- needed for DR publication (20)
- high-priority (11)
- next step (11)
- priority: High (10)
- question (8)
- priority: Med (7)
- Desirable for DR publication (6)
- Priority: High (6)
- medium-priority (4)
- needs-verification (4)
- legacy (4)
- testing-needed (3)
- beginner-friendly (3)