An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / samdark issue stats
Total issues: 679
Total pull requests: 633
Merged pull request: 561
Average time to close issues: 7 months
Average time to close pull requests: 10 days
Average comments per issue: 2.96
Average comments per pull request: 0.54
Issues created
- samdark/yiifeed: 38
- samdark/yii2-cookbook: 36
- samdark/yiiframework-ru: 36
- samdark/yiipowered: 29
- yiisoft-contrib/ 24
- yiisoft/docs: 16
- samdark/Yeeki: 15
- yiisoft/config: 13
- yiisoft/composer-config-plugin: 12
- yiisoft/router: 11
- yiisoft/cache: 10
- yiisoft/factory: 10
- samdark/the-modal: 9
- yiisoft/di: 9
- yiisoft/db: 9
- yiisoft/app: 9
- yiisoft/yii-console: 8
- yiisoft/yii-dev-tool: 7
- yiisoft/error-handler: 7
- yiisoft/yii-web: 7
- yiisoft/log: 6
- DevGroup-ru/dotplant2: 6
- yiisoft/middleware-dispatcher: 6
- yiisoft/view: 6
- yiisoft/files: 6
- yiisoft/var-dumper: 6
- yiisoft/yii-base-web: 5
- nvlad/yii2support: 5
- yiisoft/strings: 5
- yiisoft/rbac: 5
- yiisoft/yii2-docker: 5
- yiisoft/yii2: 5
- yiisoft/yii-sentry: 5
- yiisoft/yii-filesystem: 5
- bashkarev/email: 4
- yiisoft/i18n: 4
- yiisoft/yii-queue: 4
- samdark/intellij-visual-studio-code-dark-plus: 4
- yiisoft/yii-cycle: 4
- yiisoft/data: 4
- yiisoft/mutex-pdo-mysql: 4
- yiisoft/mailer: 4
- yiisoft/rate-limiter: 3
- yiisoft/hydrator: 3
- yiisoft/csrf: 3
- hiqdev/composer-config-plugin: 3
- yiisoft/friendly-exception: 3
- yiisoft/user: 3
- subdee/yii2-soap-server: 3
- yiisoft/translator-message-gettext: 3
- yiisoft/session: 3
- yiisoft/widget: 3
- Codeception/module-yii2: 3
- snooppr/snoop: 3
- yiisoft/yii2-twig: 3
- yiisoft/event-dispatcher: 3
- yiisoft/security: 3
- yiisoft/yii-middleware: 3
- web-standards-ru/dictionary: 3
- yiisoft/file-router: 3
- yiisoft/yii-runner: 3
- yiisoft/yii-core: 3
- yiisoft/queue: 3
- yiisoft/validator: 3
- yiisoft/proxy: 3
- bizley/yii2-podium: 2
- yiisoft/profiler: 2
- bonsaiden/javascript-garden: 2
- yiisoft/serializer: 2
- yiisoft/injector: 2
- yiisoft/data-response: 2
- yiisoft/request-model: 2
- yiisoft/app-api: 2
- yiisoft-contrib/github-bot: 2
- yiisoft/yii-debug: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-debug: 2
- yiisoft/yii-gii: 2
- yiisoft/yii-testing: 2
- shyim/wolfi-php: 2
- deemru/php-cgi-spawner: 2
- go-ozzo/ozzo-di: 2
- yiisoft/cookies: 2
- yiisoft/log-target-file: 2
- yiisoft/view-twig: 2
- yiisoft/cache-memcached: 2
- yiisoft/auth: 2
- yiisoft/arrays: 2
- microinginer/yii2-debug-user-switch: 2
- MaksimKiselev/yii2-serialize-attribute-behavior: 2
- wapmorgan/yii2-inflection: 2
- yiisoft/translator-extractor: 2
- yiisoft/yii-dev-panel: 2
- yiisoft/assets: 2
- dmtrs/ejnestedtreeactions: 2
- yiisoft/http: 2
- samdark/sitemap: 2
- yiisoft/translator-message-php: 2
- yiisoft/cache-wincache: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-apidoc: 2
- nicoulaj/idea-markdown: 2
- yiisoft/documentor: 2
- sirredbeard/wslinternals: 2
- yiisoft/yii-docker: 2
- dmtrs/bliig: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-queue: 2
- yiisoft/yii-dataview: 2
- abei2017/yii2-bankcard-info: 2
- awesome-yii/list: 2
- yiisoft/yii-runner-roadrunner: 2
- yiisoft/db-migration: 2
- yiisoft/yii-auth-client: 2
- yiisoft/cache-file: 2
- opencfp/opencfp: 2
- yiisoft/html: 1
- kalessil/phpinspectionsea: 1
- codecov/codecov-action: 1
- samdark/intl-icu-data-tables: 1
- yiisoft/mutex-pdo-oracle: 1
- yiisoft/db-elasticsearch: 1
- yiisoft/response-download: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-symfonymailer: 1
- weblement/yii2: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-redis: 1
- yiisoft/definitions: 1
- artkost/yii2-qa: 1
- mishamx/yii-user: 1
- maddevsio/ariadna: 1
- samdark/yii2-psr-log-target: 1
- egulias/EmailValidator: 1
- yiisoft/yii-base-api: 1
- bizley/yii2-content-tools: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap: 1
- idlesign/ist-yii-cfile: 1
- kikoso/android-stackblur: 1
- yiisoft/package-template: 1
- phpbench/container: 1
- fxpio/foxy: 1
- yiisoft/yii-bulma: 1
- yiisoft/log-target-email: 1
- yiisoft/yii-db-migration: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-psr-log-source: 1
- samdark/arguments: 1
- yiiext/smarty-renderer: 1
- yiisoft/yii-debug-viewer: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-elasticsearch: 1
- clevertech/yiiboilerplate: 1
- iJackUA/yii2-lepture-markdown-editor-widget: 1
- yiisoft/proxy-middleware: 1
- wapmorgan/PhpDeprecationDetector: 1
- yiisoft/container-proxy: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-jui: 1
- yiiext/pdf: 1
- yiiext/core: 1
- yiisoft/yii-jquery: 1
- phpDocumentor/fig-standards: 1
- Locustv2/yii2-encode-url-rule: 1
- E-vence/SoftDeleteableListenerExtensionBundle: 1
- yiisoft/aliases: 1
- vjik/input-hydrator: 1
- yiisoft/rbac-db: 1
- MarketFlow/yii2-regex-validator: 1
- yiisoft/form-model: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced: 1
- paragonie/certainty: 1
- yiisoft/yii-swagger: 1
- yiisoft/classifier: 1
- go-ozzo/ozzo-config: 1
- yiisoft/auth-jwt: 1
- yiisoft/yii-api: 1
- Nex-Otaku/yii-shell: 1
- sirthias/pegdown: 1
- yiisoft/db-pgsql: 1
- yiiext/phpdoc-component: 1
- yiisoft/translator: 1
- yiisoft/yii-http-client: 1
- yiisoft/demo: 1
- yiisoft/cache-apcu: 1
- yiisoft/network-utilities: 1
- intaro/custom-index-bundle: 1
- yiisoft/yii-debug-api: 1
- yiisoft/jquery-pjax: 1
- yiisoft/form: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-mongodb: 1
- cpliakas/git-wrapper: 1
- kzykhys/Markbench: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-imagine: 1
- fxpio/composer-asset-plugin: 1
- yiisoft/db-sqlite: 1
- container-interop/service-provider: 1
- yiisoft/mutex-pdo-pgsql: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-authclient: 1
- yiisoft/yii-bootstrap4: 1
- softark/yii2-dual-listbox: 1
- yiisoft/mutex: 1
- yiisoft/request-body-parser: 1
- php/web-php: 1
- codemix/yii2-localeurls: 1
- 2amigos/yii2-nexmo-library: 1
- auraphp/Aura.Intl: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap5: 1
- cycle/orm: 1
- samdark/yii2-webshell: 1
- yiisoft/access: 1
- yiisoft/yii-bootstrap5: 1
Pull requests created
- yiisoft/data: 17
- yiisoft/di: 16
- yiisoft/yii-dataview: 13
- yiisoft/rbac: 12
- hiqdev/composer-config-plugin: 12
- yiisoft/definitions: 12
- yiisoft/docs: 11
- yiisoft/db: 10
- yiisoft/yii-console: 10
- yiisoft/var-dumper: 9
- yiisoft/strings: 9
- yiisoft/composer-config-plugin: 8
- yiisoft/injector: 8
- yiisoft/yii-web: 8
- yiisoft/files: 7
- yiisoft/aliases: 7
- yiisoft/yii2-jui: 7
- yiisoft/cache: 7
- yiisoft/app: 7
- yiisoft/security: 6
- yiisoft/factory: 6
- yiisoft/yii2: 6
- yiisoft/yii2-mongodb: 6
- yiisoft/router: 6
- yiisoft/rbac-php: 6
- yiisoft/cache-memcached: 6
- yiisoft/mailer: 6
- yiisoft/yii2-imagine: 5
- yiisoft/demo-api: 5
- yiisoft/yii-core: 5
- yiisoft/yii2-httpclient: 5
- yiisoft/yii2-authclient: 5
- yiisoft/db-migration: 5
- yiisoft/middleware-dispatcher: 5
- yiisoft/widget: 5
- yiisoft/translator-message-db: 5
- yiisoft/yii-filesystem: 5
- yiisoft/app-api: 5
- yiisoft/yii2-twig: 5
- yiisoft/auth-jwt: 5
- yiisoft/validator: 5
- yiisoft/yii-debug: 5
- bashkarev/email: 4
- yiisoft/yii-middleware: 4
- yiisoft/yii-auth-client: 4
- yiisoft/yii-swagger: 4
- yiisoft/profiler: 4
- yiisoft/yii-jquery: 4
- yiisoft/yii-view-renderer: 4
- yiisoft/yii-cycle: 4
- yiisoft/yii-db-migration: 4
- yiisoft/access: 4
- yiisoft/log-target-db: 4
- yiisoft/yii-bulma: 4
- yiisoft/arrays: 4
- yiisoft/event-dispatcher: 4
- yiisoft/mutex: 4
- yiisoft/auth: 4
- yiisoft/cache-file: 4
- yiisoft/view-twig: 4
- yiisoft/yii2-smarty: 4
- yiisoft/mutex-pdo-mysql: 4
- yiisoft/hydrator: 3
- yiisoft/i18n: 3
- yiisoft/yii2-faker: 3
- yiisoft/proxy: 3
- yiisoft/yii-event: 3
- yiisoft/test-support: 3
- httpsoft/http-message: 3
- yiisoft/json: 3
- yiisoft/session: 3
- yiisoft/yii-view: 3
- yiisoft/yii-captcha: 3
- jacobrask/css1k: 3
- yiisoft/db-pgsql: 3
- yiisoft/cache-wincache: 3
- yiisoft/user: 3
- yiisoft/yii-queue: 3
- yiisoft/yii2-elasticsearch: 3
- yiisoft/db-sqlite: 3
- yiisoft/request-body-parser: 3
- yiisoft/router-fastroute: 3
- yiisoft/error-handler: 3
- yiisoft/yii-gii: 3
- yiisoft/rate-limiter: 3
- yiisoft/input-http: 3
- samdark/intellij-visual-studio-code-dark-plus: 2
- yiisoft/mutex-pdo-pgsql: 2
- yiisoft/network-utilities: 2
- yiisoft/yii-debug-api: 2
- georgeee/yii-lily: 2
- shyim/wolfi-php: 2
- cpliakas/git-wrapper: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer: 2
- php-fig/event-dispatcher-util: 2
- yiisoft/http: 2
- yiisoft/yii-queue-amqp: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-queue: 2
- yiisoft/mutex-file: 2
- yiisoft/file-router: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-symfonymailer: 2
- yiisoft/log-target-email: 2
- yiisoft/yii-dev-tool: 2
- yiisoft/yii-runner-roadrunner: 2
- alexkart/curl-builder: 2
- yiisoft/yii-widgets: 2
- yiisoft/mutex-pdo-oracle: 2
- awesome-yii/list: 2
- yiisoft/log-target-file: 2
- yiisoft/yii-bootstrap5: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap: 2
- nvlad/yii2support: 2
- samdark/yiipowered: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-gii: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-redis: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap4: 2
- samdark/sitemap: 2
- yiisoft/cookies: 2
- yiisoft/translator: 2
- yiisoft/db-oracle: 2
- yiisoft/yii-masked-input: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced: 2
- yiisoft/db-mongodb: 2
- yiisoft/active-record: 2
- yiisoft/db-mssql: 2
- yiisoft/db-mysql: 2
- intersvyaz/yii-sentry: 2
- yiisoft/rbac-db: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-sphinx: 2
- yiisoft/rbac-cycle-db: 2
- yiisoft/serializer: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-composer: 2
- yiisoft/log: 2
- yiisoft/yii2-debug: 2
- yiisoft/csrf: 2
- yiisoft/response-download: 2
- yiisoft/friendly-exception: 2
- yiisoft/translator-message-php: 2
- yiisoft/translator-formatter-intl: 2
- yiisoft/queue-amqp: 2
- yiisoft/yii-sentry: 1
- kenjis/php-framework-benchmark: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-shell: 1
- phpspec/php-diff: 1
- ezimuel/PHP-Secure-Session: 1
- fxpio/foxy: 1
- yiisoft/app-console: 1
- samdark/yii2-cookbook: 1
- yiisoft/data-cycle: 1
- 2amigos/yii2-nexmo-library: 1
- opencfp/opencfp: 1
- Mirocow/yii2-eav: 1
- samdark/yii2-psr-log-target: 1
- SimplePEG/Python: 1
- yiisoft/cache-apcu: 1
- omnilight/yii2-shopping-cart: 1
- komarserjio/notejam: 1
- yiisoft/db-mariadb: 1
- yiisoft/cache-db: 1
- yiisoft/yii-debug-frontend: 1
- yiisoft/container-proxy: 1
- yiisoft/yii-runner-console: 1
- yiisoft/yii-debug-viewer: 1
- php/web-windows: 1
- phpnode/yiigit: 1
- yiisoft/mailer-swiftmailer: 1
- yiisoft/package-template: 1
- yiisoft/hydrator-validator: 1
- kalessil/phpinspectionsea: 1
- yiisoft/request-model: 1
- yiisoft/config: 1
- Anteris-Dev/autotask-client-generator: 1
- yiisoft/form-model: 1
- yiisoft-contrib/ 1
- yiisoft/data-response: 1
- yiisoft/translator-message-gettext: 1
- go-ozzo/ozzo-di: 1
- sergeche/codemirror-movie: 1
- luyadev/luya-kickstarter: 1
- yiisoft/jquery-pjax: 1
- cebe/js-search: 1
- yiisoft/classifier: 1
- yiisoft/yii-api: 1
- deprecated-packages/ 1
- SimplePEG/JavaScript: 1
- yiisoft/html: 1
- deemru/php-cgi-spawner: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap5: 1
- yiisoft/assets: 1
- MaksimKiselev/yii2-serialize-attribute-behavior: 1
- spiral/composer-publish-plugin: 1
- yiisoft/yii-bootstrap4: 1
- yiisoft/view: 1
- yiisoft/yii2-app-basic: 1
- yiisoft/data-db: 1
- go-ozzo/ozzo-config: 1
- Codeception/module-yii2: 1
- yiisoft/translator-extractor: 1
- yiisoft/log-target-syslog: 1
- go-ozzo/ozzo-routing: 1
- samdark/yiifeed: 38
- samdark/yii2-cookbook: 37
- samdark/yiiframework-ru: 36
- samdark/yiipowered: 31
- yiisoft/docs: 27
- yiisoft/di: 25
- yiisoft/data: 21
- yiisoft/composer-config-plugin: 20
- yiisoft/db: 19
- yiisoft/yii-console: 18
- yiisoft/rbac: 17
- yiisoft/router: 17
- yiisoft/cache: 17
- yiisoft/factory: 16
- yiisoft/app: 16
Active Maintainer
- yiisoft/yii-dataview: 10
- yiisoft/data: 9
- yiisoft/di: 5
- yiisoft/app: 4
- yiisoft/yii-debug: 4
- yiisoft/file-router: 4
- yiisoft/yii-console: 2
- yiisoft/yii-cycle: 2
- yiisoft/hydrator: 2
- yiisoft/docs: 2
- yiisoft/input-http: 2
- yiisoft/db: 2
- yiisoft/form-model: 2
- yiisoft/cache-file: 2
- yiisoft/documentor: 2
Issue Author Associations
- Member (387, 57.00%)
- Owner (173, 25.48%)
- None (59, 8.69%)
- Contributor (51, 7.51%)
- Collaborator (9, 1.33%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (561, 88.63%)
- Contributor (49, 7.74%)
- Owner (8, 1.26%)
- None (8, 1.26%)
- Collaborator (7, 1.11%)
Top Issue Labels
- status:ready for adoption (107)
- type:enhancement (83)
- enhancement (57)
- type:docs (47)
- bug (38)
- type:bug (36)
- status:under discussion (35)
- type:feature (28)
- help wanted (27)
- type:test (22)
- proposal (20)
- status:under development (9)
- Feature (9)
- good first issue (7)
- Enhancement (5)
Top Pull Request Labels
- status:code review (72)
- type:enhancement (29)
- type:docs (23)
- type:bug (19)
- type:test (12)
- type:feature (6)
- enhancement (5)
- severity:security (2)
- status:under development (2)
- type:task (2)
- help wanted (1)
- status:ready for merge (1)
- status:under discussion (1)
- status:ready for adoption (1)
- needs funding (1)