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GitHub / samanehsan issue stats
Total issues: 6
Total pull requests: 281
Merged pull request: 264
Average time to close issues: 26 days
Average time to close pull requests: 5 days
Average comments per issue: 1.17
Average comments per pull request: 0.69
Issues created
Pull requests created
- centerforopenscience/isp: 172
- broadinstitute/wfl: 35
- broadinstitute/push-to-cloud-service: 28
- centerforopenscience/exp-addons: 14
- DataBiosphere/job-manager: 5
- centerforopenscience/treebeard: 4
- broadinstitute/cromwell-tools: 4
- broadinstitute/shibboleth-service-provider: 4
- centerforopenscience/experimenter: 4
- erinspace/scrapi_stats: 2
- HumanCellAtlas/sctools: 2
- HumanCellAtlas/skylab: 1
- broadinstitute/docker-liquibase: 1
- CenterForOpenScience/sharepa: 1
- broadinstitute/openidc-terra-proxy: 1
- DataBiosphere/terra-notebook-utils: 1
- cos-archives/modular-odm: 1
- cos-archives/hgrid: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (4, 66.67%)
- None (2, 33.33%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (279, 99.29%)
- None (2, 0.71%)