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GitHub / rnbguy issue stats
Total issues: 161
Total pull requests: 202
Merged pull request: 170
Average time to close issues: about 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 5 days
Average comments per issue: 1.12
Average comments per pull request: 1.23
Issues created
- cosmos/ibc-rs: 84
- informalsystems/modelator: 12
- informalsystems/atomkraft: 10
- informalsystems/modelator-py: 6
- althea-net/cosmos-gravity-bridge: 5
- cosmos/ibc-proto-rs: 4
- informalsystems/quint: 3
- denoland/deno: 3
- jonhoo/msql-srv: 3
- intersectmbo/bech32: 2
- cosmos/cosmos-rust: 2
- informalsystems/tendermint-rs: 2
- bensadeh/tailspin: 2
- la10736/rstest: 2
- fdeantoni/prost-wkt: 2
- lino-levan/astral: 1
- input-output-hk/bech32: 1
- vtjeng/MIPVerify.jl: 1
- mars-protocol/hub: 1
- crate-ci/typos: 1
- alexislozano/neutrino: 1
- informalsystems/unclog: 1
- informalsystems/gopherator: 1
- JOTSR/Deplot: 1
- informalsystems/itf-rs: 1
- mjcarson/syncwrap: 1
- silverbulletmd/silverbullet: 1
- Canop/lazy-regex: 1
- denoland/deno_npm: 1
- sentinel-official/cli-client: 1
- denoland/deno_semver: 1
- crate-ci/cargo-release: 1
- CosmWasm/cosmwasm: 1
- tomaka/2018-rustrush-demo: 1
Pull requests created
- cosmos/ibc-rs: 79
- informalsystems/atomkraft: 55
- informalsystems/modelator: 22
- rnbguy/adventofcode2024: 7
- marirs/urlexpand: 4
- informalsystems/modelator-py: 4
- informalsystems/quint: 4
- mars-protocol/hub: 3
- cosmos/ibc-proto-rs: 3
- jonhoo/msql-srv: 3
- prohazko2/deno-grpc: 2
- cosmos/rollkit-ibc: 2
- cosmos/ledger-cosmos: 2
- crate-ci/cargo-release: 1
- informalsystems/gopherator: 1
- hack-ink/cloudflare-bypasser: 1
- raphamorim/wat: 1
- la10736/rstest: 1
- fdeantoni/prost-wkt: 1
- Swatinem/rust-cache: 1
- marirs/vt3-rs: 1
- cosmos/cosmos-rust: 1
- ranisalt/unified-remote-mpv: 1
- gophercises/urlshort: 1
- denoland/deno_npm: 1
- cosmos/ibc-rs: 163
- informalsystems/atomkraft: 65
- informalsystems/modelator: 34
- informalsystems/modelator-py: 10
- rnbguy/adventofcode2024: 7
- informalsystems/quint: 7
- cosmos/ibc-proto-rs: 6
- marirs/urlexpand: 4
- informalsystems/tendermint-rs: 2
- informalsystems/gopherator: 2
- cosmos/rollkit-ibc: 2
- informalsystems/unclog: 1
- informalsystems/itf-rs: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (88, 54.66%)
- Member (36, 22.36%)
- None (25, 15.53%)
- Contributor (12, 7.45%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (87, 43.07%)
- Member (86, 42.57%)
- Contributor (22, 10.89%)
- Owner (7, 3.47%)
Top Issue Labels
- O: eureka (19)
- enhancement (14)
- bug (13)
- A: bug (10)
- O: code-hygiene (8)
- dependencies (6)
- O: testing (5)
- O: usability (5)
- dev (4)
- O: maintainability (4)
- A: low-priority (3)
- O: new-feature (3)
- A: critical (2)
- node compat (2)
- A: blocked (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- enhancement (16)
- bug (16)
- O: eureka (11)
- user support (1)
- dev (1)
- dependencies (1)