An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / rec issue stats
Total issues: 1,199
Total pull requests: 232
Merged pull request: 169
Average time to close issues: about 1 month
Average time to close pull requests: 13 days
Average comments per issue: 0.64
Average comments per pull request: 2.2
Issues created
- rec/gitz: 272
- rec/slow_gold: 181
- rec/echomesh: 175
- rec/recs: 118
- rec/litoid: 62
- rec/hardback: 47
- rec/multi: 40
- rec/swirly-leap: 29
- rec/swirly: 21
- rec/impall: 17
- rec/led: 16
- rec/doks: 15
- rec/pppp: 15
- rec/radio: 14
- rec/dotfiles: 14
- rec/altbanking: 12
- rec/safer: 12
- timedata-org/expressy: 10
- timedata-org/loady: 10
- rec/cfgs: 9
- rec/nmr: 8
- rec/nc: 8
- rec/simp: 8
- rec/backer: 8
- rec/movee: 7
- pytorch/pytorch: 5
- superduper-io/superduper: 5
- rec/tdir: 4
- rec/colorsphere: 4
- PySimpleGUI/PySimpleGUI: 4
- ManiacalLabs/BiblioPixelAnimations: 4
- rec/xmod: 4
- boxed/hammett: 3
- aubio/aubio: 3
- plasma-umass/slipcover: 3
- rec/wik: 3
- scrool/xled: 3
- rec/vl8: 2
- rec/dtyper: 2
- rec/sproc: 2
- crdoconnor/strictyaml: 1
- python-attrs/attrs: 1
- lancedb/lancedb: 1
- timedata-org/streamy: 1
- langchain-ai/langchain: 1
- dizballanze/gray: 1
- pyca/cryptography: 1
- rec/versy: 1
- pypa/packaging-problems: 1
- rec/kson: 1
- rec/unknown: 1
- tvaneerd/cpp17_in_TTs: 1
- ezyang/ghstack: 1
- thierryvolpiatto/zop-to-char: 1
- pytorch/expecttest: 1
- kvesteri/sqlalchemy-utils: 1
- krausefx/ 1
- spotify/pedalboard: 1
- rec/wavemap: 1
- rec/stroll: 1
Pull requests created
- ManiacalLabs/BiblioPixel: 87
- pytorch/pytorch: 45
- ManiacalLabs/BiblioPixelAnimations: 31
- rec/litoid: 14
- rec/nmr: 7
- rec/mop: 6
- rec/nc: 5
- rec/safer: 5
- rec/tdir: 4
- scrool/xled: 3
- timedata-org/streamy: 2
- rec/movee: 2
- quansight/torch-build: 2
- paulirish/git-open: 2
- isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines: 2
- superduper-io/superduper: 2
- spotify/pedalboard: 1
- rec/dek: 1
- rec/dedupe: 1
- kvesteri/sqlalchemy-utils: 1
- boxed/hammett: 1
- rec/editor: 1
- rec/domains: 1
- rec/github-pages-with-jekyll: 1
- aerkalov/ebooklib: 1
- rec/gitz: 1
- rec/swirly: 1
- rec/dtyper: 1
- bear/parsedatetime: 1
- rec/gitz: 273
- rec/slow_gold: 181
- rec/echomesh: 175
- rec/recs: 118
- rec/litoid: 76
- pytorch/pytorch: 50
- rec/hardback: 47
- rec/multi: 40
- rec/swirly-leap: 29
- rec/swirly: 22
- rec/impall: 17
- rec/safer: 17
- rec/led: 16
- rec/pppp: 15
- rec/doks: 15
Active Maintainer
- pytorch/pytorch: 50
- rec/safer: 2
- rec/recs: 2
- rec/nmr: 2
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (1,134, 94.58%)
- Contributor (27, 2.25%)
- None (23, 1.92%)
- Collaborator (15, 1.25%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (133, 57.33%)
- Owner (51, 21.98%)
- Collaborator (45, 19.40%)
- None (3, 1.29%)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (487)
- enhancement (383)
- feature (136)
- small (73)
- medium (43)
- documentation (31)
- Mac (28)
- technical debt (26)
- build (22)
- ui (19)
- Windows (14)
- 2. medium (14)
- RP (12)
- 1. small (9)
- nanolaser (8)
Top Pull Request Labels
- open source (44)
- ciflow/inductor (35)
- topic: not user facing (31)
- module: inductor (22)
- ciflow/trunk (17)
- oncall: distributed (14)
- module: dynamo (14)
- Merged (11)
- ciflow/mps (10)
- release notes: quantization (8)
- Reverted (5)
- release notes: onnx (4)
- merging (4)
- module: cpu (3)
- module: distributed_checkpoint (3)