An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / rcknight issue stats
Total issues: 3
Total pull requests: 32
Merged pull request: 25
Average time to close issues: over 4 years
Average time to close pull requests: 7 months
Average comments per issue: 1.33
Average comments per pull request: 0.78
Issues created
Pull requests created
- qphl/MessageDispatch.EventStore: 4
- qphl/CodeStyle.CSharp.CodeOnly: 2
- qphl/AggregateRepository.Core: 2
- qphl/Tools.SerilogConfiguration: 2
- qphl/CodeStyle.CSharp.Full: 2
- qphl/ViewModels.Core: 2
- qphl/AggregateRepository.EventStore: 2
- qphl/MessageDispatch.Core: 2
- qphl/ViewModels.RavenDB: 2
- qphl/ViewModels.ApplicationState: 2
- qphl/Tools.EventStoreSerilogLogger: 2
- qphl/MessageDispatch.ProtobufSnapshotting: 1
- qphl/Tools.EventStore: 1
- qphl/ProblemDetails.HttpContent: 1
- sterchelen/hssp: 1
- twitchax/AspNetCore.Proxy: 1
- qphl/Tools.WorkingDayService: 1
- qphl/ProblemDetails.Nancy: 1
- qphl/ProblemDetails: 1
- qphl/MessageDispatch.EventStore: 4
- qphl/Tools.EventStoreSerilogLogger: 2
- qphl/AggregateRepository.Core: 2
- qphl/ViewModels.RavenDB: 2
- qphl/CodeStyle.CSharp.CodeOnly: 2
- qphl/MessageDispatch.Core: 2
- qphl/AggregateRepository.EventStore: 2
- qphl/CodeStyle.CSharp.Full: 2
- qphl/ViewModels.ApplicationState: 2
- qphl/Tools.SerilogConfiguration: 2
- qphl/ViewModels.Core: 2
- qphl/ProblemDetails: 1
- qphl/Tools.EventStore: 1
- qphl/Tools.WorkingDayService: 1
- qphl/ProblemDetails.HttpContent: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (3, 100.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (30, 93.75%)
- None (1, 3.13%)
- Contributor (1, 3.13%)