An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / pritidesai issue stats
Total issues: 49
Total pull requests: 116
Merged pull request: 97
Average time to close issues: 10 months
Average time to close pull requests: 3 months
Average comments per issue: 3.06
Average comments per pull request: 1.71
Issues created
Pull requests created
- pritidesai/openwhisk-website: 44
- tektoncd/pipeline: 13
- pritidesai/openwhisk-build: 13
- apache/openwhisk-runtime-nodejs: 6
- apache/openwhisk-GitHubSlackBot: 5
- pritidesai/experiments-with-knative: 4
- pritidesai/helloworld: 4
- apache/openwhisk-wskdeploy: 4
- CycloneDX/license-scanner: 4
- apache/openwhisk-playground: 3
- apache/openwhisk-test: 3
- pwplusnick/java-openwhisk-example-app: 2
- apache/openwhisk-catalog: 2
- pritidesai/cdcon2020: 2
- apache/openwhisk-devtools: 2
- pritidesai/testgithubslackbot: 2
- pritidesai/hello: 1
- apache/openwhisk-client-go: 1
- tektoncd/catalog: 1
- pritidesai/openwhisk-website: 53
- tektoncd/pipeline: 42
- pritidesai/openwhisk-build: 13
- apache/openwhisk-wskdeploy: 7
- apache/openwhisk-runtime-nodejs: 6
- apache/openwhisk-website: 6
- apache/openwhisk-GitHubSlackBot: 6
- pritidesai/experiments-with-knative: 4
- pritidesai/helloworld: 4
- apache/openwhisk-test: 3
- apache/openwhisk-playground: 3
- apache/openwhisk-catalog: 2
- apache/openwhisk-client-go: 2
- apache/openwhisk-devtools: 2
- pritidesai/cdcon2020: 2
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Member (40, 81.63%)
- Owner (9, 18.37%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (70, 60.34%)
- Member (40, 34.48%)
- Contributor (6, 5.17%)
Top Issue Labels
- kind/bug (10)
- help wanted (10)
- good first issue (8)
- kind/feature (7)
- kind/documentation (6)
- priority: medium (5)
- lifecycle/stale (4)
- content (4)
- lifecycle/rotten (4)
- Hacktoberfest (3)
- lifecycle/frozen (3)
- priority: low (3)
- enhancement (2)
- design (2)
- documentation (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- approved (10)
- lgtm (10)
- release-note-none (9)
- size/L (7)
- review (6)
- ready (4)
- kind/feature (4)
- release-note (4)
- kind/misc (3)
- kind/documentation (3)
- needs-rebase (3)
- size/M (3)
- kind/bug (2)
- do-not-merge/work-in-progress (2)
- size/XS (2)