An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / pcav issue stats
Total issues: 314
Total pull requests: 6
Merged pull request: 4
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 2 months
Average comments per issue: 2.68
Average comments per pull request: 2.83
Issues created
- pcav/faunalia-website: 101
- qgis/psc: 23
- marianoguerra/rst2html5: 15
- jawensi/DEMto3D-QGIS-Plugin: 9
- rduivenvoorde/featuregridcreator: 6
- enricofer/postgisquerybuilder: 4
- isaakiel/profileaar: 4
- nens/lizardviewer: 4
- nkarasiak/historicalmap: 4
- mkondratyev85/raster_tracer: 4
- elpaso/qgis-geocoding: 4
- cayetanobv/qgis-plugin-worldwide-night: 4
- mach0/qchainage: 4
- sopac/popgis-plugin: 3
- alexlopespereira/sipamsar: 3
- normanb/qgis_browse: 3
- GIS4WRF/gis4wrf: 3
- joaherrerama/tc-and-lag-time-qgis-plugin: 3
- paleolimbot/qosm: 3
- greezybacon/doku2trac: 3
- matheusfillipe/topografia: 3
- nationalsecurityagency/qgis-shapetools-plugin: 3
- andresgciamtez/wnt: 3
- enricofer/go2streetview: 3
- nkarasiak/dzetsaka: 2
- enricofer/layerversion: 2
- JanCaha/qgis_los_tools: 2
- sentinel-hub/sentinelhub-qgis-plugin: 2
- gee-community/qgis-earthengine-plugin: 2
- kanahiro/magicwand: 2
- enricofer/attributepainter: 2
- normanb/qgis_cloudant: 2
- oupala/apaxy: 2
- Mariosmsk/QCopycanvas: 2
- linz/qgis-landxml-plugin: 2
- olivierdalang/VectorBender: 2
- kartoza/docker-qgis-desktop: 2
- delazj/mapsprinter: 2
- fiftysevendegreesofrad/sdna_qgis_plugin: 2
- Kanahiro/qgis-nowcast-tool-plugin: 2
- t-systems-on-site-services-gmbh/geocore: 2
- olivierdalang/improvedpolygoncapturing: 2
- enricofer/qgisodk: 2
- olivierdalang/liveStats: 2
- Kanahiro/tileget: 2
- kanahiro/ezprinter: 2
- kanahiro/attributeseditor: 2
- ryan-roemer/sphinx-bootstrap-theme: 1
- qgis/qgis-code-examples: 1
- proj4php/proj4php: 1
- kalxas/dimensioning: 1
- bopen/xarray-sentinel: 1
- nilsnolde/pelias-qgis-plugin: 1
- trac-hacks/trac-ticketreminder: 1
- OSGeo/osgeo: 1
- strk/qgis_pgis_topoedit: 1
- giscience/orstools-qgis-plugin: 1
- cityjson/cityjson-qgis-plugin: 1
- ebrelsford/qgis-projestions: 1
- Kaemer1645/Turbo_Volume: 1
- enricofer/redlayer: 1
- scalgo/scalgo-live-qgis: 1
- qgis/qgis4.0_api: 1
- terrestris/qgis-shogun-editor: 1
- OleVik/grav-plugin-presentation: 1
- okbob/pspg: 1
- OSGeo/gdal: 1
- heremaps/xyz-qgis-plugin: 1
- rduivenvoorde/xytools: 1
- hugoledoux/qgis-getwkt: 1
- enricofer/autosaver: 1
- mach0/polystrip: 1
- qgis/qgis-training-data: 1
- pka/qgpkg: 1
- nationalsecurityagency/qgis-latlontools-plugin: 1
- UdK-VPT/Open_eQuarter: 1
- Open-EO/openeo-qgis-plugin: 1
- mstuyts/Plugin-Load-Times: 1
- alexlopespereira/taskmanager: 1
- sphinx-doc/sphinx: 1
- nationalsecurityagency/qgis-searchlayers-plugin: 1
- ivanbusthomi/cdf_converter: 1
- ale-cristofori/qweetgis: 1
- brechtm/rinohtype: 1
- Mariosmsk/QLocklayers: 1
- PANOimagen/batch_hillshader: 1
- pism/LinearTheoryOrographicPrecipitation: 1
- elpaso/quickwkt: 1
- magipamies/qgis_BuscaRecursos_pluguin: 1
- 3liz/lizmap-docker-compose: 1
- boehnkec/groundwatervulnerability: 1
- peetw/geometryvalidator: 1
- OpenGeoLabs/qgis-ndop-downloader: 1
- qwat/pg-history-viewer: 1
- muratkendir/FilterLayersAtOnce: 1
- mathmodelling/calidad-car: 1
Pull requests created
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (182, 57.96%)
- Owner (101, 32.17%)
- Member (26, 8.28%)
- Contributor (5, 1.59%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (4, 66.67%)
- None (2, 33.33%)
Top Issue Labels
- Important (32)
- Low (11)
- question (6)
- bug (3)
- enhancement (2)
- help wanted (2)
- Frozen (2)
- documentation (1)
- markup (1)