An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / olimpiurob issue stats
Total issues: 2
Total pull requests: 115
Merged pull request: 110
Average time to close issues: 9 days
Average time to close pull requests: about 10 hours
Average comments per issue: 4.0
Average comments per pull request: 0.03
Issues created
Pull requests created
- eea/Products.Reportek: 59
- eea/marine-backend: 12
- collective/eea.annotator: 5
- collective/eea.jquery: 5
- collective/eea.progressbar: 5
- eea/eea.plonebuildout.profile: 4
- collective/eea.googlecharts: 4
- collective/eea.facetednavigation: 4
- eea/land.copernicus.theme: 2
- eea/freshwater-backend: 2
- eea/eea.plonebuildout.example: 2
- eea/land.copernicus.content: 2
- eea/anz.ecasclient: 1
- eea/eea.soercontent: 1
- eea/eea.docker.reportek.cdr-instance: 1
- collective/collective.googleanalytics: 1
- eea/eea.googlecharts: 1
- collective/collective.recipe.template: 1
- eea/eea.docker.reportek.base-dr-instance: 1
- collective/eea.exhibit: 1
- eea/european.cache.registry: 1
- eea/Products.Reportek: 59
- eea/marine-backend: 12
- collective/eea.jquery: 5
- collective/eea.progressbar: 5
- collective/eea.annotator: 5
- collective/eea.googlecharts: 4
- collective/eea.facetednavigation: 4
- eea/eea.plonebuildout.profile: 4
- eea/land.copernicus.content: 2
- eea/freshwater-backend: 2
- eea/eea.plonebuildout.example: 2
- eea/land.copernicus.theme: 2
- eea/eea.docker.reportek.base-dr-instance: 1
- collective/collective.googleanalytics: 1
- eea/eea.soercontent: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (2, 100.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (115, 100.00%)