An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / nickytonline issue stats
Total issues: 196
Total pull requests: 264
Merged pull request: 226
Average time to close issues: about 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 11 days
Average comments per issue: 1.76
Average comments per pull request: 1.95
Issues created
- netlify/remix-compute: 27
- netlify/remix-template: 20
- nickytonline/web3-starter: 18
- nickytonline/astro-partykit-starter: 10
- nickytonline/collabiano: 9
- open-sauced/docs: 8
- queen-raae/gatsby-remark-oembed: 8
- open-sauced/pizza-action: 5
- netlify/next-runtime: 5
- nickytonline/b-flat: 5
- nickytonline/valiswift: 4
- nickytonline/ 4
- nickytonline/connect-four: 4
- nickytonline/test-take-action: 4
- open-sauced/hot: 4
- nickytonline/vscode-gatsby-snippets: 3
- nickytonline/generator-minobo: 3
- nickytonline/picture-portal: 3
- netlify/cli: 2
- danielroe/ 2
- nickytonline/ 2
- open-sauced/pizza: 2
- netlify/gatsby-runner: 2
- open-sauced/pizza-verse: 2
- bekahhw/postpartum-wellness-app: 2
- nickytonline/epic-actions: 2
- open-sauced/pizza-cli: 2
- cloudinary-community/cloudinary-util: 2
- aidenybai/million: 2
- nickytonline/a11y-twitter: 2
- nickytonline/fresh-in-netlify-edge: 1
- netlify/gatsby-plugin-netlify: 1
- denoland/fresh: 1
- remix-run/remix: 1
- karma-runner/karma-mocha: 1
- withastro/adapters: 1
- zeucapua/myb: 1
- palantir/tslint-react: 1
- nickytonline/chicago-js-dec-2022-fresh-demo: 1
- eiriklv/react-masonry-component: 1
- cloudinary-community/photocrate: 1
- open-sauced/ 1
- cshooks/hooks: 1
- fregante/tiny-version-compare: 1
- GoogleChromeLabs/size-plugin: 1
- refined-github/shorten-repo-url: 1
- nickytonline/open-sauced-dev-card-action: 1
- vadimdemedes/dom-chef: 1
- nickytonline/ 1
- haimantika/test_repo: 1
- stackblitz/webcontainer-core: 1
- electron/electron: 1
- PostHog/ 1
- bdougie/take-action: 1
- developit/linkstate: 1
- open-sauced/intro: 1
- EddieHubCommunity/BioDrop: 1
- netlify/edge-bundler: 1
Pull requests created
- netlify/remix-compute: 48
- netlify/remix-template: 35
- nickytonline/ 16
- netlify/next-runtime: 13
- open-sauced/docs: 12
- open-sauced/pizza-action: 9
- nickytonline/ 8
- nickytonline/web3-starter: 7
- netlify/netlify-ipx: 6
- netlify/next-react-server-components: 6
- queen-raae/gatsby-remark-oembed: 5
- netlify/hydrogen-platform: 5
- nickytonline/ 5
- forem/forem-docs: 4
- open-sauced/pizza-cli: 4
- nickytonline/b-flat: 4
- nickytonline/a11y-twitter: 4
- cloudinary-community/cloudinary-util: 4
- nickytonline/collabiano: 3
- netlify/vite-plugin-netlify-edge: 3
- open-sauced/hot: 3
- netlify/next-edge-middleware: 3
- forem/selfhost: 3
- whitep4nth3r/the-claw-webring: 3
- open-sauced/pizza: 2
- open-sauced/pizza-verse: 2
- bekahhw/postpartum-wellness-app: 2
- fregante/webext-permission-toggle: 2
- nickytonline/get-revue-newsletters: 2
- nickytonline/gh-actions-tester: 2
- cloudinary-community/photocrate: 2
- nickytonline/bcn-reactjs-storybook-talk-2016-07-25: 2
- electron/electron: 2
- bdougie/take-action: 2
- danielroe/ 2
- nickytonline/valiswift: 2
- fregante/delegate-it: 2
- fregante/webext-domain-permission-toggle: 1
- analogjs/analog: 1
- fregante/intervalometer: 1
- jehugaleahsa/mustache-sharp: 1
- sindresorhus/copy-text-to-clipboard: 1
- fregante/webext-dynamic-content-scripts: 1
- cshooks/hooks: 1
- code-newbies/codeland: 1
- netlify/edge-bundler: 1
- refined-github/shorten-repo-url: 1
- addyosmani/chatty: 1
- dzhavat/css-flexbox-cheatsheet: 1
- open-sauced/intro: 1
- nickytonline/open-sauced-dev-card-action: 1
- netlify/gatsby-plugin-netlify: 1
- PostHog/ 1
- open-sauced/opengraph: 1
- Khan/tota11y: 1
- netlify/netlify-plugin-gatsby: 1
- developit/linkstate: 1
- EddieHubCommunity/BioDrop: 1
- nickytonline/appwrite-functions-starter: 1
- fregante/tiny-version-compare: 1
- fregante/webext-options-sync: 1
- davidkpiano/frontend-masters-react-workshop: 1
- netlify/remix-compute: 70
- nickytonline/web3-starter: 25
- open-sauced/docs: 20
- nickytonline/ 18
- netlify/next-runtime: 14
- open-sauced/pizza-action: 14
- queen-raae/gatsby-remark-oembed: 13
- nickytonline/ 12
- nickytonline/collabiano: 12
- nickytonline/astro-partykit-starter: 10
- nickytonline/b-flat: 9
- open-sauced/hot: 7
- netlify/netlify-ipx: 6
- open-sauced/pizza-cli: 6
- nickytonline/valiswift: 6
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (77, 39.29%)
- Member (55, 28.06%)
- Contributor (40, 20.41%)
- None (15, 7.65%)
- Collaborator (9, 4.59%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (107, 40.53%)
- Contributor (86, 32.58%)
- Owner (57, 21.59%)
- Collaborator (9, 3.41%)
- None (5, 1.89%)
Top Issue Labels
- Ecosystem: Frameworks (21)
- good first issue (16)
- chore (14)
- enhancement (13)
- bug (12)
- released (8)
- 💡 feature (8)
- core team work (7)
- documentation (6)
- released on @next (5)
- type: chore (5)
- frontend infrastructure (4)
- type: bug (4)
- priority: high (4)
- hacktoberfest (4)
Top Pull Request Labels
- type: chore (93)
- automerge (37)
- type: bug (14)
- type: feature (13)
- released (8)
- merge by any core (7)
- released on @next (5)
- documentation (3)
- released on @beta (3)
- automation (3)
- dx (2)
- frontend infrastructure (2)
- ✍ chore: profile (1)