An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / naterush issue stats
Total issues: 186
Total pull requests: 479
Merged pull request: 295
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: 3 days
Average comments per issue: 0.88
Average comments per pull request: 1.8
Issues created
- mito-ds/mito: 66
- mito-ds/saga: 41
- ethereum/cbc-casper: 16
- aarondr77/auctionhouse-ethereum: 10
- mito-ds/monorepo: 9
- aarondr77/mortgage: 8
- drewstone/truecoin: 7
- aarondr77/erc20token-and-exchange: 6
- aarondr77/multisig: 6
- consensysmesh/curationmarkets: 3
- jupyterlab/jupyterlab: 3
- aarondr77/seat-assignment-automation: 2
- naterush/gift-of-friendship: 2
- streamlit/streamlit: 2
- gnidan/raregem: 1
- carlbeek/cbc_lmd: 1
- naterush/uport-simple: 1
- mito-ds/mitosheet_helper_config: 1
- ec2/simpsonsrule: 1
Pull requests created
- mito-ds/mito: 166
- mito-ds/mito-automations-test: 144
- mito-ds/monorepo: 117
- ethereum/cbc-casper: 20
- mito-ds/saga: 9
- uport-project/uport-identity: 4
- mito-ds/every-feature-everywhere-all-at-once: 3
- carlbeek/cbc_lmd: 2
- naterush/casper-paper: 2
- mito-ds/streamlit-recon-wizard: 2
- Scanate/EthList: 1
- widgetti/ipyreact: 1
- jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets: 1
- mito-ds/company-dashboard: 1
- aarondr77/prisonerdilemma: 1
- widgetti/solara: 1
- mito-ds/mito-for-streamlit-demo: 1
- mito-ds/mito-efficiency-test: 1
- jupyterlab/richoutput-js: 1
- mito-ds/bookofbusinessrecon: 1
Active Maintainer
- mito-ds/mito: 57
Issue Author Associations
- Member (116, 62.37%)
- None (42, 22.58%)
- Collaborator (24, 12.90%)
- Owner (3, 1.61%)
- Contributor (1, 0.54%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (292, 60.96%)
- Contributor (159, 33.19%)
- Collaborator (23, 4.80%)
- None (3, 0.63%)
- Owner (2, 0.42%)
Top Issue Labels
- type: mitosheet (20)
- priority: low (16)
- priority: high (12)
- effort: 5 (12)
- research (11)
- effort: 3 (9)
- user-problem (9)
- effort: 1 (7)
- priority: medium (7)
- waiting on: information (6)
- waiting on: impl details (6)
- effort: 2 (5)
- effort: 8 (5)
- workflow (5)
- good first issue (5)
Top Pull Request Labels
- cla-signed (34)