An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / msftgits issue stats
Total issues: 1
Total pull requests: 84
Merged pull request: 64
Average time to close issues: N/A
Average time to close pull requests: 5 days
Average comments per issue: 0.0
Average comments per pull request: 0.1
Issues created
Pull requests created
- ant-design-blazor/.github: 6
- dotnet/.github: 5
- bunit-dev/.github: 5
- xunit/.github: 4
- AvaloniaUI/.github: 3
- playfab/.github: 3
- peachpiecompiler/.github: 3
- corewcf/.github: 3
- mono/.github: 3
- restsharp/.github: 3
- stride3d/.github: 3
- spectreconsole/.github: 3
- aspnetboilerplate/.github: 3
- officedev/.github: 3
- oqtane/.github: 2
- deislabs/.github: 2
- verifytests/.github: 2
- riganti/.github: 2
- worldwidetelescope/.github: 2
- MahApps/.github: 2
- PiranhaCMS/.github: 2
- coverlet-coverage/.github: 2
- nanoframework/.github: 2
- projectkudu/.github: 2
- dotnet-architecture/.github: 2
- nunit/.github: 2
- NuGet/.github: 2
- officedev/excel-custom-functions: 1
- MvvmCross/.github: 1
- unitycontainer/.github: 1
- dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform: 1
- pwa-builder/.github: 1
- citusdata/.github: 1
- microsoftedge/.github: 1
- microsoftdx/.github: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (1, 100.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (78, 92.86%)
- Collaborator (5, 5.95%)
- None (1, 1.19%)
Top Issue Labels
Top Pull Request Labels
- PR: unreviewed (3)
- Area: Config-and-Build (2)
- PR: merged (2)
- PR: reviewed-approved (1)