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GitHub / mayaCostantini issue stats
Total issues: 116
Total pull requests: 202
Merged pull request: 161
Average time to close issues: 23 days
Average time to close pull requests: 14 days
Average comments per issue: 2.22
Average comments per pull request: 1.99
Issues created
- thoth-station/thamos: 13
- thoth-station/management-api: 11
- sabre1041/sigstore-ansible: 10
- thoth-station/storages: 9
- thoth-station/thoth-pre-commit-hook: 9
- thoth-station/solver: 8
- mayacostantini/sigstore-key-signing-poc: 7
- sigstore/sigstore-python: 7
- thoth-station/package-extract: 4
- thoth-station/python: 4
- mayacostantini/sigstore-roles: 3
- ansible/ansible-sign: 3
- thoth-station/amun-api: 3
- thoth-station/invectio: 3
- thoth-station/slo-reporter: 2
- mayacostantini/sigstore-the-hard-way-aws: 2
- thoth-station/pipeline-helpers: 2
- thoth-station/common: 2
- thoth-station/report-processing: 2
- thoth-station/ps-cv: 1
- thoth-station/purge-job: 1
- thoth-station/support: 1
- thoth-station/adviser: 1
- thoth-station/jupyterlab-requirements: 1
- thoth-station/workflow-helpers: 1
- thoth-station/datasets: 1
- thoth-station/kebechet: 1
- mayacostantini/python-project-classification: 1
- thoth-station/micropipenv: 1
- keylime/keylime: 1
- thoth-station/cli-examples: 1
Pull requests created
- mayacostantini/test-thoth-github-action: 19
- mayacostantini/sigstore-key-signing-poc: 15
- thoth-station/datasets: 11
- thoth-station/pipeline-helpers: 10
- sabre1041/sigstore-ansible: 9
- thoth-station/prescriptions-refresh-job: 9
- thoth-station/thoth-pre-commit-hook: 8
- thoth-station/report-processing: 8
- thoth-station/storages: 7
- thoth-station/thamos: 7
- thoth-station/amun-api: 7
- thoth-station/invectio: 5
- sigstore/sigstore-python: 5
- mayacostantini/awx-demo-project: 5
- mayacostantini/sigstore-roles: 5
- thoth-station/selinon-worker: 5
- mayacostantini/pyconfr-sigstore-demo: 5
- mayacostantini/sigstore-bootcamp: 4
- mayacostantini/sigstore-the-hard-way-aws: 4
- thoth-station/management-api: 4
- mayacostantini/ 4
- thoth-station/cli-examples: 4
- openshift-instruqt/instruqt: 4
- mayacostantini/python-project-classification: 4
- ansible/ansible-sign: 3
- thoth-station/package-extract: 3
- thoth-station/python: 3
- thoth-station/purge-job: 3
- thoth-station/workflow-helpers: 2
- thoth-station/adviser: 2
- thoth-station/dependency-monkey-zoo: 2
- thoth-station/sync-job: 2
- mayacostantini/talks: 2
- pulp/pulp_ansible: 2
- thoth-station/tensorflow-symbols: 2
- keylime/keylime: 1
- ansible/awx: 1
- thoth-station/ps-nlp: 1
- mayacostantini/hello-github-actions: 1
- pulp/pulp-cli: 1
- mayacostantini/game-of-life: 1
- thoth-station/talks: 1
- pulp/pulpcore: 1
- mayacostantini/sigstore-key-signing-poc: 22
- mayacostantini/test-thoth-github-action: 19
- sabre1041/sigstore-ansible: 19
- mayacostantini/sigstore-roles: 8
- mayacostantini/sigstore-the-hard-way-aws: 6
- mayacostantini/pyconfr-sigstore-demo: 5
- mayacostantini/python-project-classification: 5
- mayacostantini/awx-demo-project: 5
- mayacostantini/ 4
- mayacostantini/sigstore-bootcamp: 4
- mayacostantini/talks: 2
- mayacostantini/game-of-life: 1
- mayacostantini/hello-github-actions: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (84, 72.41%)
- Owner (13, 11.21%)
- Collaborator (10, 8.62%)
- None (9, 7.76%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (119, 58.91%)
- Owner (69, 34.16%)
- Collaborator (9, 4.46%)
- None (5, 2.48%)
Top Issue Labels
- priority/critical-urgent (44)
- bot (38)
- sig/stack-guidance (23)
- kind/bug (19)
- kind/feature (19)
- priority/important-soon (15)
- triage/accepted (10)
- sig/devsecops (8)
- priority/important-longterm (6)
- bug (6)
- enhancement (6)
- lifecycle/active (5)
- lifecycle/frozen (5)
- good first issue (4)
- help wanted (3)
Top Pull Request Labels
- approved (70)
- size/XS (46)
- size/S (26)
- lgtm (22)
- size/M (19)
- size/L (11)
- do-not-merge/work-in-progress (4)
- do-not-merge/hold (3)
- size/XXL (2)
- stale (2)
- size/XL (2)
- multi-commit (1)
- component:api (1)
- component:awx_collection (1)
- dependencies (1)