An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / mattfarina issue stats
Total issues: 161
Total pull requests: 292
Merged pull request: 260
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: 10 days
Average comments per issue: 2.66
Average comments per pull request: 0.74
Issues created
- rancher-sandbox/hypper: 27
- Masterminds/vcs: 12
- helm/monocular: 10
- Masterminds/cookoo: 10
- rancher/wrangler: 6
- kubewarden/helm-charts: 5
- helm/community: 5
- Masterminds/log-go: 5
- rancher/kim: 4
- hpcloud/HPCloud-PHP: 4
- rancher/fleet: 3
- Masterminds/semver: 3
- flavio/kuberlr: 3
- app-registry/appr: 2
- cncf/tag-contributor-strategy: 2
- helm/helm: 2
- cncf/devstats.archive: 2
- kubernetes/steering: 2
- brigadecore/brigade-www: 2
- suse/bci-docs: 2
- rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop: 2
- helm/helm-www: 2
- technosophos/glowbear: 2
- v6d-io/v6d: 2
- sgotti/glide-vc: 2
- bmizerany/assert: 1
- qase-tms/qase-go: 1
- go-openapi/swaggersocket: 1
- nathansmith/formalize: 1
- cncf/toc: 1
- googlearchive/k8s-service-catalog: 1
- hashicorp/go-version: 1
- Masterminds/html5-php: 1
- tk04/Marker: 1
- eliothedeman/bangarang: 1
- maorfr/helm-plugin-utils: 1
- lightstep/lightstep-satellite-helm-chart: 1
- shayne/go-wsl2-host: 1
- constabulary/gb: 1
- FiloSottile/gvt: 1
- lootils/geo: 1
- jubianchi/semver-check: 1
- helm/charts-tooling: 1
- rShetty/multierror: 1
- kr/pretty: 1
- notaryproject/specifications: 1
- client9/misspell: 1
- cncf/gitdm.archive: 1
- braintree/manners: 1
- technosophos/glide-zsh: 1
- helm/pull-sizer: 1
- gosuri/uitable: 1
- Masterminds/Fortissimo: 1
- savaki/swag: 1
- fishworks/gofish: 1
- gkarthiks/helm-charts: 1
- golang/lint: 1
- mattfarina/helm-charts-github-label-migrator: 1
- sdboyer/gliph: 1
- helm/github-webhook-dco-labeler: 1
- helm/helm-classic: 1
- googleapis/repo-automation-bots: 1
- robfig/pathtree: 1
- lootils/archiver: 1
- shiena/ansicolor: 1
Pull requests created
- Masterminds/semver: 36
- helm/community: 32
- Masterminds/vcs: 29
- helm/helm: 25
- rancher-sandbox/ 24
- Masterminds/log-go: 16
- helm/github-webhook-dco-labeler: 12
- suse/bci-docs: 10
- Masterminds/sprig: 10
- rancher-sandbox/hypper: 9
- rancher-sandbox/ 8
- helm/query-store-quay-logs: 7
- cncf/gitdm.archive: 6
- helm/helm-www: 5
- Masterminds/vert: 5
- rancher/wrangler: 5
- cncf/foundation: 4
- helm/monocular: 4
- helm/pull-sizer: 4
- mattfarina/brigade-test-project: 4
- masterminds/ 3
- technosophos/glowbear: 3
- rancher-sandbox/ 3
- helm/helm-mapkubeapis: 2
- Masterminds/goutils: 2
- rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop-wsl-distro: 2
- cncf/devstats.archive: 2
- mitchellh/gox: 2
- Masterminds/Fortissimo: 2
- mirantis/stackalytics: 2
- mattfarina/webhook-test-repo: 2
- fabric8io/kansible: 1
- technosophos/querypath: 1
- Masterminds/glide: 1
- technosophos/helm-gpg: 1
- samsung-cnct/kraken: 1
- flavio/kuberlr: 1
- mattfarina/simple-web-server: 1
- Masterminds/gox: 1
- technosophos/jagged: 1
- technosophos/vala-tmbundle: 1
- cncf/contribute: 1
- rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop-agent: 1
- Masterminds/vcs: 41
- Masterminds/semver: 39
- rancher-sandbox/hypper: 36
- helm/helm: 27
- Masterminds/log-go: 21
- helm/github-webhook-dco-labeler: 13
- Masterminds/sprig: 10
- Masterminds/cookoo: 10
- helm/query-store-quay-logs: 7
- Masterminds/vert: 5
- mattfarina/brigade-test-project: 4
- rancher/fleet: 3
- masterminds/ 3
- Masterminds/Fortissimo: 3
- mattfarina/webhook-test-repo: 2
Active Maintainer
- helm/helm: 21
- Masterminds/semver: 10
- Masterminds/sprig: 6
Issue Author Associations
- None (50, 31.06%)
- Contributor (44, 27.33%)
- Collaborator (34, 21.12%)
- Member (32, 19.88%)
- Owner (1, 0.62%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (121, 41.44%)
- Member (105, 35.96%)
- Collaborator (55, 18.84%)
- Owner (7, 2.40%)
- None (4, 1.37%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (32)
- bug (18)
- mvp (7)
- area/fleet (3)
- team/fleet (3)
- question (3)
- documentation (3)
- kind/tech-debt (2)
- area/charts (2)
- kind/enhancement (2)
- wg/governance (2)
- wontfix (2)
- committee/steering (2)
- kind/docs (2)
- major breaking change (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- size/XS (26)
- size/M (13)
- size/S (9)
- bug (5)
- size/L (4)
- size/XXL (3)
- size/XL (2)
- picked (2)
- docs (2)
- v3 port complete (2)
- needs-pick (1)
- approved (1)
- go (1)
- dependencies (1)
- feature (1)