An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / lealobanov issue stats
Total issues: 10
Total pull requests: 61
Merged pull request: 45
Average time to close issues: 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 17 days
Average comments per issue: 0.4
Average comments per pull request: 0.41
Issues created
Pull requests created
- onflow/flow: 14
- onflow/creating-a-vault: 3
- onflow/collection-for-holding-nfts: 3
- onflow/cadence-cookbook: 3
- onflow/add-a-play-to-topshot-set: 3
- onflow/create-an-nft-listing: 2
- onflow/create-a-marketplace: 2
- onflow/mint-nft: 2
- onflow/metadata-views: 2
- onflow/multiple-metadata-views: 2
- onflow/vault-minter: 2
- onflow/purchase-nft-on-marketplace: 2
- onflow/creating-collection-for-account: 2
- onflow/nft-with-metadata: 2
- onflow/withdrawing-tokens: 2
- onflow/flow-java-client-example: 2
- onflow/create-a-topshot-set: 2
- onflow/create-a-topshot-play: 2
- onflow/minting-a-moment-in-topshot-set: 2
- onflow/add-admin-resource-to-account: 1
- onflow/minting-nfts-in-a-set: 1
- onflow/creating-a-set-in-series: 1
- onflow/token-vault: 1
- onflow/implementing-series-for-nfts: 1
- onflow/admin-resource: 1
- janezpodhostnik/flow-py-sdk: 1
- onflow/flow: 14
- onflow/cadence-cookbook: 8
- onflow/creating-a-vault: 3
- onflow/add-a-play-to-topshot-set: 3
- onflow/collection-for-holding-nfts: 3
- onflow/creating-collection-for-account: 2
- onflow/mint-nft: 2
- onflow/metadata-views: 2
- onflow/multiple-metadata-views: 2
- onflow/nft-with-metadata: 2
- onflow/withdrawing-tokens: 2
- onflow/flow-java-client-example: 2
- onflow/create-a-topshot-set: 2
- onflow/vault-minter: 2
- onflow/create-a-topshot-play: 2
Active Maintainer
- onflow/flow: 14
- onflow/add-a-play-to-topshot-set: 3
- onflow/creating-a-vault: 3
- onflow/collection-for-holding-nfts: 3
- onflow/creating-collection-for-account: 2
- onflow/create-a-topshot-play: 2
- onflow/create-a-topshot-set: 2
- onflow/create-an-nft-listing: 2
- onflow/create-a-marketplace: 2
- onflow/nft-with-metadata: 2
- onflow/minting-a-moment-in-topshot-set: 2
- onflow/mint-nft: 2
- onflow/metadata-views: 2
- onflow/multiple-metadata-views: 2
- onflow/vault-minter: 2
Issue Author Associations
- None (5, 50.00%)
- Collaborator (5, 50.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (61, 100.00%)
Top Issue Labels
- accepted (2)
- active (2)
- completed (1)
- in review (1)