An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / kostrse issue stats
Total issues: 64
Total pull requests: 46
Merged pull request: 32
Average time to close issues: 8 months
Average time to close pull requests: 2 months
Average comments per issue: 1.19
Average comments per pull request: 1.78
Issues created
- grafana/azure-data-explorer-datasource: 17
- grafana/grafana-azure-sdk-go: 12
- grafana/grafana: 10
- kostrse/sbt-azurepack: 4
- grafana/grafana-plugin-sdk-go: 2
- grafana/grafana-azure-sdk-react: 2
- spray/spray-json: 2
- ferventcoder/nugetpackages: 1
- Ruhrpottpatriot/SemanticVersion: 1
- manuc66/JsonSubTypes: 1
- shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go: 1
- dwhelan/Moq-Sequences: 1
- lifaon74/url-polyfill: 1
- matthewjberger/scoop-nerd-fonts: 1
- IonicaBizau/node-cobol: 1
- Anexen/pyxirr: 1
- Pxtl/XmlCommentMarkDownGenerator: 1
- Swagger2Markup/swagger2markup-cli: 1
- cujomalainey/ant-arduino: 1
- fl4re/sinopia: 1
- magefile/mage: 1
- NickeManarin/ScreenToGif-Website: 1
Pull requests created
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (28, 43.75%)
- None (18, 28.13%)
- Collaborator (14, 21.88%)
- Owner (4, 6.25%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (23, 50.00%)
- Collaborator (21, 45.65%)
- Owner (1, 2.17%)
- None (1, 2.17%)
Top Issue Labels
- datasource/ADX (15)
- enhancement (8)
- effort/none (8)
- type/bug (6)
- priority/med (5)
- datasource/Azure (5)
- Feature (4)
- type/feature-request (3)
- stale (3)
- area/frontend (3)
- effort/small (3)
- type/epic (3)
- area/ux (2)
- bug (2)
- azure-sdk (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- pr/external (15)
- area/backend (10)
- area/frontend (10)
- datasource/Prometheus (9)
- stale (6)
- no-changelog (5)
- type/docs (4)
- datasource/MSSQL (3)
- backport-failed (3)
- product-approved (3)
- backport v9.5.x (3)
- backport v10.0.x (3)
- backport v10.1.x (3)
- no-backport (3)
- datasource/Azure (3)