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GitHub / kiok46 issue stats
Total issues: 7
Total pull requests: 197
Merged pull request: 187
Average time to close issues: 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 4 days
Average comments per issue: 2.43
Average comments per pull request: 0.13
Issues created
Pull requests created
- kiok46/duckduckgo: 44
- kiok46/Blogs-Posts-Tutorials: 36
- kiok46/search-gdt: 32
- kiok46/ 19
- pythonindia/pycon-mobile-app: 12
- kiok46/readable: 10
- kiok46/pymongo-notification: 8
- kiok46/what3words: 6
- kiok46/react-native-collidable: 5
- kiok46/track-stargazers: 4
- kiok46/flask-101: 3
- peggyrayzis/react-native-create-bridge: 2
- kiok46/reactnative-challenge-1: 2
- kiok46/signin-with-googleplus-kivy: 2
- kiok46/customtextinputexample: 2
- CashScript/cashscript: 2
- kiok46/subset-sum-problem: 1
- kivy/kivy-remote-shell: 1
- ReactNativeNews/React-Native-Apps: 1
- kiok46/testgithub: 1
- kiok46/propertyfinder: 1
- kiok46/resume: 1
- saketkc/fos-proposals: 1
- rockymeza/wifi: 1
- kiok46/duckduckgo: 44
- kiok46/Blogs-Posts-Tutorials: 36
- kiok46/search-gdt: 32
- kiok46/ 19
- kiok46/readable: 10
- kiok46/pymongo-notification: 8
- kiok46/what3words: 6
- kiok46/react-native-collidable: 5
- kiok46/track-stargazers: 4
- kiok46/flask-101: 3
- kiok46/reactnative-challenge-1: 2
- kiok46/signin-with-googleplus-kivy: 2
- kiok46/customtextinputexample: 2
- kiok46/testgithub: 1
- kiok46/propertyfinder: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (3, 42.86%)
- Contributor (3, 42.86%)
- Owner (1, 14.29%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (177, 89.85%)
- Contributor (17, 8.63%)
- None (3, 1.52%)