An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / keith-kurak issue stats
Total issues: 44
Total pull requests: 316
Merged pull request: 223
Average time to close issues: 7 months
Average time to close pull requests: 6 days
Average comments per issue: 44.77
Average comments per pull request: 0.67
Issues created
- expo/expo: 25
- keith-kurak/miami-masterclass-2024: 4
- keith-kurak/expo-router-london-2024-lessons: 3
- infinitered/cr-2024-intermediate-workshop-lessons: 2
- Talor-A/react-native-message-bar: 2
- stephenplusplus/grunt-wiredep: 1
- huiseoul/react-native-fit-image: 1
- IDTLabs/react-native-material-initials: 1
- infinitered/cr-2024-intermediate-workshop-template: 1
- keith-kurak/art-thing-3: 1
- radarlabs/react-native-radar: 1
- tamagui/tamagui: 1
- christianbradley/bump-anything: 1
Pull requests created
- expo/expo: 154
- expo/expo-cli: 84
- keith-kurak/art-thing-2: 9
- keith-kurak/addsomeexpo2023: 8
- expo/examples: 8
- infinitered/cr-2024-intermediate-workshop-template: 7
- keith-kurak/freaky-fast-finances: 6
- keith-kurak/graduallyadoptexpo: 6
- keith-kurak/expo-router-london-2024-starter: 5
- keith-kurak/art-thing-3: 5
- expo/fyi: 5
- keith-kurak/just-kana: 4
- expo/eas-cli: 3
- keith-kurak/miami-masterclass-2024: 2
- sorenbs/budget-buddy-experimental-sync: 2
- expo/dev-plugins: 1
- Talor-A/react-native-message-bar: 1
- expo/custom-expo-updates-server: 1
- keith-kurak/expo-detox-plugin-demo: 1
- keith-kurak/top-ten: 1
- keith-kurak/workflow-second-half: 1
- keith-kurak/expo-diy-widget: 1
- expo/expo-three: 1
- keith-kurak/art-thing-2: 9
- keith-kurak/addsomeexpo2023: 8
- infinitered/cr-2024-intermediate-workshop-template: 8
- keith-kurak/graduallyadoptexpo: 6
- keith-kurak/art-thing-3: 6
- keith-kurak/freaky-fast-finances: 6
- keith-kurak/miami-masterclass-2024: 6
- keith-kurak/expo-router-london-2024-starter: 5
- keith-kurak/just-kana: 4
- keith-kurak/expo-router-london-2024-lessons: 3
- infinitered/cr-2024-intermediate-workshop-lessons: 2
- keith-kurak/expo-detox-plugin-demo: 1
- keith-kurak/workflow-second-half: 1
- keith-kurak/expo-diy-widget: 1
- keith-kurak/top-ten: 1
Active Maintainer
- keith-kurak/art-thing-2: 9
- infinitered/cr-2024-intermediate-workshop-template: 8
- keith-kurak/graduallyadoptexpo: 6
- keith-kurak/art-thing-3: 6
- keith-kurak/miami-masterclass-2024: 6
- keith-kurak/expo-router-london-2024-starter: 5
- keith-kurak/expo-router-london-2024-lessons: 3
- infinitered/cr-2024-intermediate-workshop-lessons: 2
- keith-kurak/just-kana: 2
- keith-kurak/workflow-second-half: 1
- keith-kurak/expo-diy-widget: 1
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (25, 56.82%)
- Owner (8, 18.18%)
- None (8, 18.18%)
- Collaborator (3, 6.82%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (259, 81.96%)
- Owner (49, 15.51%)
- Collaborator (7, 2.22%)
- None (1, 0.32%)
Top Issue Labels
- Android (14)
- SplashScreen (14)
- stale (14)
- needs validation (14)
- iOS (8)
- outdated (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- bot: passed checks (128)
- bot: fingerprint compatible (27)
- bot: needs changes (21)
- bot: fingerprint changed (10)
- published (8)
- preview (6)
- bot: suggestions (5)