An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / keewis issue stats
Total issues: 117
Total pull requests: 422
Merged pull request: 393
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: 16 days
Average comments per issue: 2.53
Average comments per pull request: 1.42
Issues created
- pydata/xarray: 21
- xarray-contrib/pint-xarray: 10
- umr-lops/xarray-ceos-alos2: 10
- keewis/grid-indexing: 9
- keewis/blackdoc: 6
- keewis/pytest.el: 5
- xarray-contrib/sphinx-autosummary-accessors: 4
- Carreau/velin: 3
- dask/dask: 3
- xarray-contrib/issue-from-pytest-log: 3
- kylebarron/arro3: 2
- stsewd/tree-sitter-rst: 2
- zarr-developers/virtualizarr: 2
- dask-contrib/dask-ctl: 2
- xarray-contrib/flox: 2
- fsspec/kerchunk: 2
- numpy/numpy: 2
- hgrecco/pint: 2
- xarray-contrib/datatree: 2
- fsspec/filesystem_spec: 2
- xarray-contrib/cf-xarray: 2
- mamba-org/provision-with-micromamba: 1
- pangeo-forge/pangeo-forge-recipes: 1
- opendatacube/odc-geo: 1
- stac-utils/xpystac: 1
- developmentseed/lonboard: 1
- scientific-python/upload-nightly-action: 1
- xarray-contrib/xvec: 1
- ncar-xdev/jupyter-forward: 1
- TerriaJS/terriajs: 1
- conda-forge/numbagg-feedstock: 1
- nmandery/h3ronpy: 1
- dask/dask-jobqueue: 1
- h5netcdf/h5netcdf: 1
- pytest-dev/pytest-reportlog: 1
- radiantearth/stac-spec: 1
- keewis/stac-recipes: 1
- healpy/healpy: 1
- data-apis/array-api: 1
- pydap/pydap: 1
- umr-lops/dask-hpcconfig: 1
- HypothesisWorks/hypothesis: 1
Pull requests created
- pydata/xarray: 92
- keewis/blackdoc: 62
- umr-lops/xarray-ceos-alos2: 48
- xarray-contrib/sphinx-autosummary-accessors: 47
- xarray-contrib/pint-xarray: 39
- keewis/grid-indexing: 20
- keewis/pytest.el: 17
- umr-lops/dask-hpcconfig: 14
- xarray-contrib/issue-from-pytest-log: 14
- hgrecco/pint: 7
- xarray-contrib/datatree: 7
- keewis/stac-recipes: 5
- conda-forge/staged-recipes: 4
- xarray-contrib/ci-trigger: 4
- Carreau/velin: 4
- keewis/presentations: 4
- xarray-contrib/flox: 3
- keewis/nested-duck-arrays: 3
- ncar-xdev/jupyter-forward: 3
- jbusecke/xmovie: 3
- pangeo-forge/pangeo-forge-recipes: 2
- conda-forge/sphinx-autosummary-accessors-feedstock: 2
- xarray-contrib/cf-xarray: 2
- keewis/test-project: 2
- zarr-developers/virtualizarr: 2
- xarray-contrib/xarray-tutorial: 1
- keewis/grid-weights: 1
- fsspec/filesystem_spec: 1
- xarray-contrib/user-survey: 1
- dask-contrib/dask-ctl: 1
- HypothesisWorks/hypothesis: 1
- numpy/numpy: 1
- numpy/numpydoc: 1
- keewis/sparse-xarray: 1
- conda-forge/numbagg-feedstock: 1
- pytest-dev/pytest-reportlog: 1
- stac-utils/xstac: 1
- pydata/xarray: 113
- keewis/blackdoc: 68
- umr-lops/xarray-ceos-alos2: 58
- xarray-contrib/sphinx-autosummary-accessors: 51
- xarray-contrib/pint-xarray: 49
- keewis/grid-indexing: 29
- keewis/pytest.el: 22
- umr-lops/dask-hpcconfig: 15
- keewis/stac-recipes: 6
- xarray-contrib/ci-trigger: 4
- keewis/presentations: 4
- keewis/nested-duck-arrays: 3
- Carreau/velin: 3
- keewis/test-project: 2
- keewis/sparse-xarray: 1
Active Maintainer
- pydata/xarray: 79
- keewis/grid-indexing: 29
- xarray-contrib/sphinx-autosummary-accessors: 10
- xarray-contrib/pint-xarray: 8
- keewis/stac-recipes: 6
- keewis/blackdoc: 5
- keewis/presentations: 4
- keewis/nested-duck-arrays: 3
- Carreau/velin: 2
- umr-lops/xarray-ceos-alos2: 2
- keewis/sparse-xarray: 1
- keewis/grid-weights: 1
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (46, 39.32%)
- Contributor (30, 25.64%)
- Owner (21, 17.95%)
- None (20, 17.09%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (247, 58.53%)
- Owner (115, 27.25%)
- Contributor (57, 13.51%)
- None (3, 0.71%)
Top Issue Labels
- topic-DataTree (10)
- enhancement (9)
- bug (7)
- needs attention (3)
- discussion (3)
- array (3)
- topic-arrays (3)
- question (2)
- wontfix (1)
- Automation (1)
- 57 - Close? (1)
- 00 - Bug (1)
- xarray (1)
- documentation (1)
- help wanted (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- run-upstream (38)
- plan to merge (24)
- topic-arrays (8)
- CI (6)
- dependencies (6)
- Automation (5)
- review-requested (4)
- topic-backends (3)
- enhancement (3)
- python (3)
- test-upstream (3)
- topic-chunked-arrays (3)
- bug (2)
- io (2)
- array API standard (2)