An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / jyejare issue stats
Total issues: 66
Total pull requests: 183
Merged pull request: 149
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 13 days
Average comments per issue: 1.21
Average comments per pull request: 1.16
Issues created
- jyejare/test-acp: 21
- RedHatQE/cloudwash: 21
- jyejare/testacp: 6
- RedHatQE/wrapanapi: 4
- redhatsatellite/satellite-clone: 2
- dynaconf/dynaconf: 2
- containers/podman-py: 2
- SatelliteQE/robottelo: 2
- jyejare/candore: 1
- reportportal/client-Python: 1
- redhatqe/pytest-fixturecollection: 1
- SatelliteQE/betelgeuse: 1
- SatelliteQE/broker: 1
- jyejare/satcomputes: 1
Pull requests created
- SatelliteQE/robottelo: 61
- RedHatQE/cloudwash: 29
- jyejare/test-acp: 26
- SatelliteQE/nailgun: 17
- jyejare/testacp: 11
- RedHatQE/wrapanapi: 9
- SatelliteQE/airgun: 6
- jyejare/github-cherry-pick-action: 5
- SatelliteQE/betelgeuse: 5
- redhatqe/pytest-fixturecollection: 3
- containers/podman-py: 2
- redhatqe/widgetastic.core: 2
- marvinpinto/action-automatic-releases: 1
- SatelliteQE/testfm: 1
- carloscastrojumo/github-cherry-pick-action: 1
- jyejare/test_foremantemplates: 1
- SatelliteQE/broker: 1
- theforeman/foreman_templates: 1
- reportportal/client-Python: 1
- SatelliteQE/robottelo: 63
- RedHatQE/cloudwash: 50
- jyejare/test-acp: 47
- SatelliteQE/nailgun: 17
- jyejare/testacp: 17
- SatelliteQE/betelgeuse: 6
- SatelliteQE/airgun: 6
- jyejare/github-cherry-pick-action: 5
- redhatqe/pytest-fixturecollection: 4
- SatelliteQE/broker: 2
- jyejare/candore: 1
- jyejare/test_foremantemplates: 1
- SatelliteQE/testfm: 1
- jyejare/satcomputes: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (29, 43.94%)
- Collaborator (22, 33.33%)
- Contributor (8, 12.12%)
- Member (4, 6.06%)
- None (3, 4.55%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (91, 49.73%)
- Owner (43, 23.50%)
- Collaborator (32, 17.49%)
- Contributor (13, 7.10%)
- None (4, 2.19%)
Top Issue Labels
- Failed_AutoCherryPick (27)
- 6.13.z (14)
- 6.14.z (10)
- RFE (10)
- bug (7)
- Critical Priority (6)
- good first issue (4)
- Medium Priority (4)
- 6.12.z (3)
- High Priority (3)
- question (2)
- 4.0-breaking-change (1)
- typed_dynaconf (1)
- needs-more-info (1)
- HIGH (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- CherryPick (58)
- 6.13.z (58)
- No-CherryPick (57)
- 6.14.z (51)
- 6.12.z (44)
- 6.15.z (25)
- 6.11.z (19)
- Failed_AutoCherryPick (15)
- Framework Changes (14)
- Auto_Cherry_Picked (11)
- AutoMerge_Cherry_Picked (6)
- Develop Branch (5)
- dependencies (4)
- PRT-Passed (4)
- Urgent Priority (3)