An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / julienmalik issue stats
Total issues: 45
Total pull requests: 76
Merged pull request: 60
Average time to close issues: about 1 year
Average time to close pull requests: 15 days
Average comments per issue: 1.84
Average comments per pull request: 0.61
Issues created
- julienmalik/caldavzap_ynh: 7
- yunohost-apps/jirafeau_ynh: 4
- yunohost-apps/phpmyadmin_ynh: 3
- yunohost-apps/shaarli_ynh: 3
- yunohost-apps/pluxml_ynh: 3
- yunohost-apps/transmission_ynh: 3
- yunohost-apps/agendav_ynh: 2
- yunohost-apps/zerobin_ynh: 2
- analogdevicesinc/libad9361-iio: 2
- yunohost-apps/ethercalc_ynh: 2
- yunohost-apps/mumbleserver_ynh: 2
- yunohost-apps/kanboard_ynh: 2
- yunohost-apps/ttrss_ynh: 2
- beudbeud/etherpadlite_ynh: 1
- yunohost-apps/phpldapadmin_ynh: 1
- YunoHost-Apps/nextcloud_ynh: 1
- yunohost-apps/gitlab_ynh: 1
- beudbeud/dokuwiki_ynh: 1
- beudbeud/radicale_ynh: 1
- yunohost-apps/gogs_ynh: 1
- mstilkerich/rcmcarddav: 1
Pull requests created
- yunohost/doc: 9
- YunoHost/yunohost: 7
- beudbeud/ffsync_ynh: 7
- yunohost-apps/jappix_ynh: 6
- beudbeud/wordpress_ynh: 4
- yunohost-apps/ttrss_ynh: 3
- yunohost-apps/mumbleserver_ynh: 3
- yunohost/install_script: 3
- yunohost-apps/vpnserver_ynh: 3
- YunoHost/ssowat: 3
- yunohost/moulinette: 3
- yunohost/example_ynh: 3
- yunohost-apps/transmission_ynh: 2
- yunohost/project-organization: 2
- jocelyndelalande/ansible-roles: 2
- yunohost-apps/z-push_ynh: 2
- yunohost-apps/opensondage_ynh: 2
- uclouvain/openjpeg: 2
- eric-wieser/numpy_ringbuffer: 1
- beudbeud/glpi_ynh: 1
- yunohost/prez: 1
- Psycojoker/prosopopee: 1
- yunohost-apps/kanboard_ynh: 1
- christian-hahn/windfreak-python: 1
- analogdevicesinc/libad9361-iio: 1
- yunohost-apps/ethercalc_ynh: 1
- yunohost-apps/pluxml_ynh: 1
- simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (28, 62.22%)
- None (10, 22.22%)
- Owner (7, 15.56%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (40, 52.63%)
- Member (31, 40.79%)
- Collaborator (3, 3.95%)
- None (2, 2.63%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (9)
- bug (2)
- Fix available in testing (1)
- question (1)
- need info / test reproducability (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- in progress (2)