An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / jonrohan issue stats
Total issues: 26
Total pull requests: 336
Merged pull request: 286
Average time to close issues: 9 months
Average time to close pull requests: 7 days
Average comments per issue: 1.69
Average comments per pull request: 2.15
Issues created
- primer/view_components: 6
- lookbook-hq/lookbook: 2
- primer/octicons_gem: 2
- rachmari/first-responder: 2
- github/image-crop-element: 1
- jonrohan/github-test-junk: 1
- primer/primer-module-build: 1
- Burgestrand/Hallon: 1
- jasonlong/geo_pattern: 1
- jonrohan/docs-snippets: 1
- sds/scss-lint: 1
- twilio/stashboard: 1
- sindresorhus/github-markdown-css: 1
- OpenEmu/OpenEmu: 1
- cssstats/cssstats: 1
- primer/github-syntax-theme-generator: 1
- github/hotkey: 1
- simplegeo/polymaps: 1
Pull requests created
- primer/react: 159
- primer/view_components: 72
- primer/stylelint-config: 29
- primer/css: 15
- primer/github-syntax-theme-generator: 11
- primer/octicons_gem: 8
- primer/behaviors: 4
- jonrohan/pi: 4
- primer/octicons: 2
- jonrohan/github-test-junk: 2
- emilyemorehouse/spacegray-eighties-ui: 2
- rachmari/first-responder: 2
- jasonlong/geo_pattern: 2
- github/markdown-toolbar-element: 2
- jonrohan/hubot-slack-reactions: 2
- github/hotkey: 2
- primer/blueprints: 1
- jonrohan/alfred-figma: 1
- cssstats/cssstats: 1
- samccone/issue-and-pr-templates: 1
- lerna/website: 1
- primer/stylelint-selector-no-utility: 1
- primer/primitives: 1
- orderedlist/unity-ui: 1
- timothyneiljohnson/stylelint-value-border-zero: 1
- github/swordfish: 1
- simplegeo/python-simplegeo: 1
- sindresorhus/alfy: 1
- wadey/ranger: 1
- mihasya/windshield: 1
- rgrove/rawgit: 1
- github/include-fragment-element: 1
- primer/eslint-plugin-primer-react: 1
- simplegeo/simplegeo.js: 1
- primer/react: 159
- primer/view_components: 78
- primer/stylelint-config: 29
- primer/css: 15
- primer/github-syntax-theme-generator: 12
- primer/octicons_gem: 10
- primer/behaviors: 4
- jonrohan/pi: 4
- github/hotkey: 3
- jonrohan/github-test-junk: 3
- primer/octicons: 2
- jonrohan/hubot-slack-reactions: 2
- github/markdown-toolbar-element: 2
- github/image-crop-element: 1
- primer/primitives: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Member (12, 46.15%)
- None (7, 26.92%)
- Contributor (5, 19.23%)
- Owner (2, 7.69%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (310, 92.26%)
- Owner (9, 2.68%)
- Contributor (9, 2.68%)
- None (8, 2.38%)
Top Issue Labels
- rails (5)
- bug (3)
- Stale (3)
- enhancement (2)
- wontfix (2)
- feature request (2)
- documentation (1)
- component: Dialog (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- staff (148)
- skip changeset (65)
- integration-tests: recommended (50)
- integration-tests: passing (19)
- patch release (17)
- minor release (15)
- ruby (11)
- javascript (7)
- skip changelog (4)
- css (4)
- integration-tests: failing (4)
- major release (3)
- Stale (2)
- skip-changeset (1)
- integration-tests: skipped manually (1)