An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / jonalmeida issue stats
Total issues: 80
Total pull requests: 71
Merged pull request: 54
Average time to close issues: 8 months
Average time to close pull requests: 2 months
Average comments per issue: 1.45
Average comments per pull request: 1.68
Issues created
- jonalmeida/ 9
- jonalmeida/txtdb: 6
- jonalmeida/yotube: 6
- jonalmeida/geo_android: 5
- mcomella/apt_github_improvements: 4
- zach-klippenstein/adbfs: 3
- mozilla-mobile/relbot: 3
- mozilla/application-services: 3
- mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios: 3
- jonalmeida/john: 3
- jonalmeida/notepad: 3
- coinbase/coinbase-android-sdk: 3
- jrconlin/webpushdatatestpage: 2
- prat0318/json_resume: 2
- jonalmeida/session-share: 2
- snowplow/iglu-central: 2
- Smile4ever/Neat-URL: 2
- snowplow/snowplow-java-tracker: 1
- 1vn/email-scraper-hackwestern: 1
- mozilla/platform-tilt: 1
- jonalmeida/hack-the-north-crazyflie: 1
- neilgupta/meowmeowbeenz-api: 1
- snowplow/ansible-playbooks: 1
- graceavery/tamagotchiTemp: 1
- snowplow/snowplow-android-tracker: 1
- jonathanporta/ci-build: 1
- FirefoxUX/icons: 1
- dsteve595/ 1
- ueg1990/SlackMS: 1
- ylechelle/OpenIDFA: 1
- Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines: 1
- pocmo/arewefenixyet: 1
- jawerty/AlienFeed: 1
- mozilla-mobile/gradle-apilint: 1
- bwinton/tabcenter: 1
- hyperium/hyper: 1
Pull requests created
- mozilla/fxa: 27
- holman/left: 6
- adngdb/ 3
- mozilla-mobile/firefox-android: 3
- dsteve595/ 3
- mozilla-mobile/shared-docs: 2
- mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios: 2
- ylechelle/OpenIDFA: 2
- mozilla/ecosystem-platform: 2
- mozilla/geckoview: 2
- mozilla/glean-annotations: 2
- mozilla/embedly-proxy: 1
- SpaceManiac/discord-rs: 1
- hackathonhackers/groups: 1
- mozilla/experimenter-docs: 1
- mozilla-mobile/reference-browser: 1
- mdn/browser-compat-data: 1
- gabrielluong/bugzilla-format: 1
- mozilla/bugdash: 1
- coinbase/coinbase-android-sdk: 1
- chrisbanes/cheesesquare: 1
- jonalmeida/geo_android: 1
- jonalmeida/cs340team15: 1
- jonathanporta/ci-build: 1
- jonalmeida/dotfiles: 1
- pocmo/arewefenixyet: 1
- joshuaestes/cheatsheets: 1
- jeffjose/tget: 1
- jonalmeida/ 9
- jonalmeida/yotube: 6
- jonalmeida/txtdb: 6
- jonalmeida/geo_android: 6
- jonalmeida/john: 3
- mozilla/application-services: 3
- jonalmeida/notepad: 3
- jonalmeida/session-share: 2
- mozilla-mobile/reference-browser: 1
- jonalmeida/dotfiles: 1
- mozilla-mobile/firefox-android: 1
- jonalmeida/cs340team15: 1
- mozilla/platform-tilt: 1
- jonalmeida/hack-the-north-crazyflie: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (35, 43.75%)
- None (31, 38.75%)
- Contributor (10, 12.50%)
- Collaborator (4, 5.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (60, 84.51%)
- None (6, 8.45%)
- Owner (3, 4.23%)
- Collaborator (2, 2.82%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (21)
- bug (7)
- client (4)
- TODO (3)
- feature (3)
- type:enhancement (2)
- new-schema (2)
- nice-to-have (2)
- Bug 🐞 (2)
- 1 - Ready (2)
- 2 - Working (2)
- stale (1)
- documentation (1)
- vendor: google (1)
- android (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- 🛬 needs landing (2)
- 🕵️♀️ needs review (2)
- approved (1)
- needs landing (1)
- data:html :page_facing_up: (1)