An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / johngruen issue stats
Total issues: 266
Total pull requests: 138
Merged pull request: 131
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: 9 days
Average comments per issue: 1.46
Average comments per pull request: 0.59
Issues created
- mozilla/concepts: 31
- mozilla/multi-account-containers: 28
- mozilla/FirefoxColor: 23
- mozilla/new-tab-scratchpad: 23
- mozilla/voicefill: 20
- mozilla/fxa-oauth-console: 16
- mozilla/side-view: 16
- mozilla/tab-split: 13
- internetarchive/wayback-machine-firefox: 10
- bwinton/tabcenter: 8
- mozilla/email-tabs: 8
- johngruen/project-dfa: 8
- meandavejustice/min-vid: 7
- mozilla/chronicle: 6
- johngruen/bug-notes: 5
- mozilla/protocol: 5
- mozilla/universal-search-addon: 4
- mozilla/universal-search-content: 3
- mozilla/blok: 3
- mozilla/notes: 2
- bwinton/snoozetabs: 2
- mozilla/speech-proxy: 2
- johngruen/fake-door: 2
- mozilla/fxa-content-server-l10n: 2
- mozilla/kpi-dashboard: 2
- mozilla/ 2
- mozilla/testpilot: 2
- sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit: 1
- mozilla/ecosystem-platform: 1
- mozilla-jetpack/jpm: 1
- johngruen/idea-lab: 1
- mozilla/fxa-crypto-relier: 1
- mozilla/testpilot-meta: 1
- mozilla/idea-town-meta: 1
- mozilla-services/hoverpad: 1
- johngruen/lean-data: 1
- mozilla-services/FindMyDevice-l10n: 1
- mozilla/send: 1
- FirefoxUX/icons: 1
- mozilla-services/topsites-proxy: 1
Pull requests created
- mozilla/concepts: 36
- mozilla/voicefill: 12
- mozilla/FirefoxColor: 12
- mozilla/side-view: 10
- mozilla/universal-search-content: 10
- mozilla/ecosystem-platform: 8
- johngruen/fake-door: 6
- mozilla/testpilot-meta: 5
- mozilla/testpilot: 4
- mozilla/blok: 3
- meandavejustice/min-vid: 3
- mozilla/chronicle: 3
- mozilla/testpilot-assets: 3
- mozilla/tab-split: 3
- internetarchive/wayback-machine-firefox: 3
- bwinton/snoozetabs: 2
- mozilla/universal-search-addon: 2
- bwinton/tabcenter: 2
- johngruen/test-pilot-prototype: 2
- mozilla/123done: 1
- mozilla/send: 1
- johngruen/hello-github-actions: 1
- mozilla/multi-account-containers: 1
- johngruen/lifespan: 1
- mikeconley/inxpo-speed-control: 1
- mozilla/email-tabs: 1
- mozilla/universal-search-download-page: 1
- mozilla/fxa-crypto-relier: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (201, 75.56%)
- None (31, 11.65%)
- Owner (17, 6.39%)
- Collaborator (17, 6.39%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (120, 86.96%)
- Owner (10, 7.25%)
- Collaborator (7, 5.07%)
- None (1, 0.72%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (12)
- MVP (10)
- Widget (10)
- Shield 2 (6)
- gatsby (4)
- question (4)
- needs:UX (4)
- has pr (3)
- Needs: UX (3)
- non-blocking (3)
- documentation (3)
- front-end (2)
- server (2)
- bug (2)