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GitHub / janeyx99 issue stats
Total issues: 24
Total pull requests: 160
Merged pull request: 34
Average time to close issues: 8 months
Average time to close pull requests: 16 days
Average comments per issue: 6.13
Average comments per pull request: 2.87
Issues created
Pull requests created
- pytorch/pytorch: 62
- pytorch/benchmark: 41
- pytorch/ao: 11
- pytorch/test-infra: 9
- pytorch/torchtune: 9
- pytorch/pytorch-integration-testing: 6
- pytorch/tutorials: 6
- pytorch/probot: 5
- drisspg/transformer_nuggets: 2
- pytorch/ossci-job-dsl: 2
- facebookresearch/ReAgent: 2
- dgasmith/opt_einsum: 2
- janeyx99/old-test-infra: 1
- facebookresearch/FLSim: 1
- seemethere/test-repo: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (23, 95.83%)
- Owner (1, 4.17%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (158, 98.75%)
- Owner (1, 0.63%)
- Collaborator (1, 0.63%)
Top Issue Labels
- triaged (13)
- module: dynamo (10)
- oncall: pt2 (10)
- module: optimizer (9)
- module: tests (5)
- high priority (4)
- triage review (3)
- regression (2)
- dynamo-triage-june2024 (2)
- module: correctness (silent) (2)
- skipped (2)
- module: flaky-tests (2)
- module: multiprocessing (2)
- better-engineering (1)
- actionable (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- cla signed (56)
- Merged (56)
- ciflow/trunk (35)
- CLA Signed (32)
- topic: not user facing (25)
- release notes: optim (13)
- ciflow/inductor (9)
- release notes: foreach_frontend (8)
- merging (7)
- topic: for developers (6)
- module: inductor (6)
- module: dynamo (6)
- Reverted (5)
- ciflow/mps (4)
- release notes: python_frontend (4)