An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / its-danny issue stats
Total issues: 80
Total pull requests: 95
Merged pull request: 87
Average time to close issues: 7 months
Average time to close pull requests: 6 days
Average comments per issue: 0.28
Average comments per pull request: 0.21
Issues created
- its-danny/kindara: 58
- its-danny/tower-surf: 4
- its-danny/bevy-nest: 3
- its-danny/use-lilius: 3
- giusdp/bevy_talks: 2
- clio-lang/clio: 2
- Lutetium-Vanadium/requestty: 1
- bgrins/javascript-astar: 1
- impierce/openid4vc: 1
- craftyjs/CraftyComponents: 1
- joearcher/vue-droppler: 1
- typeorm/typeorm: 1
- nogweii/arson: 1
- blinkdog/telnet-stream: 1
Pull requests created
- its-danny/kindara: 123
- its-danny/use-lilius: 15
- its-danny/bevy-nest: 11
- its-danny/tower-surf: 9
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (68, 85.00%)
- None (12, 15.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (90, 94.74%)
- Contributor (4, 4.21%)
- None (1, 1.05%)
Top Issue Labels
- game (45)
- feature (29)
- spatial (11)
- tracking (10)
- combat (7)
- items (6)
- task (6)
- documentation (5)
- bug (4)
- command (4)
- refactor (3)
- feat (3)
- enhancement (3)
- website (2)
- social (2)