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GitHub / inf3cti0n95 issue stats
Total issues: 34
Total pull requests: 62
Merged pull request: 57
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: 1 day
Average comments per issue: 2.85
Average comments per pull request: 0.79
Issues created
- inf3cti0n95/Rocket.Chat.RealTime.API.RxJS: 12
- googleads/googleads-java-lib: 8
- ReactiveX/rxjs-docs: 2
- mongojack/mongojack: 1
- fridays/next-routes: 1
- kyaroru/RNParallax: 1
- cdimascio/generator-express-no-stress-typescript: 1
- inf3cti0n95/react-cropped-image: 1
- inf3cti0n95/rx-sql: 1
- hadronepoch/python-ffmpeg-video-streaming: 1
- quasarstream/python-ffmpeg-video-streaming: 1
- ModusCreateOrg/react-dynamic-route-loading-es6: 1
- sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc: 1
- Developer-Y/cs-video-courses: 1
- atolye15/crna-recipe: 1
Pull requests created
- inf3cti0n95/Rocket.Chat.RealTime.API.RxJS: 32
- Developer-Y/cs-video-courses: 9
- LetsSkribble/milotic: 3
- inf3cti0n95/rx-sql: 3
- inf3cti0n95/react-decide: 2
- oTranscribe/oTranscribe: 2
- miteshtagadiya/react-responsive-data-table: 2
- postlight/awesome-cms: 2
- GoogleChromeLabs/ 2
- cdimascio/generator-express-no-stress-typescript: 1
- atolye15/crna-recipe: 1
- inf3cti0n95/react-cropped-image: 1
- inf3cti0n95/react-app-wizard: 1
- SGFGOV/medusa-payment-razorpay: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (17, 50.00%)
- Owner (14, 41.18%)
- Contributor (3, 8.82%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (39, 62.90%)
- Contributor (20, 32.26%)
- None (3, 4.84%)
Top Issue Labels
- question (8)
- help wanted (8)
- hacktoberfest (7)
- good first issue (4)
- tests (2)
- docs (1)
- semantic-release (1)
- bug (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- released (28)
- tests (1)