An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / icemac issue stats
Total issues: 455
Total pull requests: 1,815
Merged pull request: 1,695
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 17 days
Average comments per issue: 2.31
Average comments per pull request: 1.0
Issues created
- zopefoundation/AccessControl: 11
- zopefoundation/Products.CMFCore: 10
- zopefoundation/zope.testrunner: 10
- zopefoundation/RestrictedPython: 10
- zopefoundation/z3c.form: 9
- gocept/zodb.py3migrate: 8
- buildout/buildout: 8
- zopefoundation/zope.testbrowser: 7
- zopefoundation/Products.PythonScripts: 7
- zopefoundation/zope.sqlalchemy: 7
- zopefoundation/DocumentTemplate: 6
- zopefoundation/Products.PluggableAuthService: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.interface: 5
- zopefoundation/Products.GenericSetup: 5
- zopefoundation/ZODB: 5
- zopefoundation/zodbpickle: 5
- lugensa/gocept.selenium: 4
- zopefoundation/Acquisition: 4
- zopefoundation/Zope: 4
- zopefoundation/Products.ZSQLMethods: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.checkversions: 4
- zopefoundation/Persistence: 4
- zopefoundation/Products.ZCatalog: 4
- zopefoundation/ 4
- zopefoundation/Products.MailHost: 4
- gocept/gocept.testdb: 4
- zopefoundation/ZEO: 4
- plone/plone.testing: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.testing: 3
- plone/plone.recipe.zeoserver: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- malthe/chameleon: 3
- ponty/psidialogs: 3
- PyCQA/bandit: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.i18n: 3
- zopefoundation/zdaemon: 3
- python/pythoncapi-compat: 3
- henry0312/pytest-pydocstyle: 3
- zopefoundation/zc.recipe.testrunner: 3
- zestsoftware/zest.releaser: 3
- zopefoundation/martian: 3
- collective/Products.DateRangeInRangeIndex: 3
- zopefoundation/persistent: 3
- zopefoundation/ExtensionClass: 3
- pytest-dev/pytest-rerunfailures: 3
- collective/collective.soupstrainer: 3
- zopefoundation/Products.Sessions: 3
- mgedmin/check-python-versions: 3
- zopefoundation/five.customerize: 3
- zopefoundation/tempstorage: 3
- zopefoundation/zc.relation: 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.etestbrowser: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/zope.publisher: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.sequencesort: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.index: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.sendmail: 2
- zopefoundation/five.localsitemanager: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.tales: 2
- faassen/bowerstatic: 2
- zopefoundation/ZServer: 2
- zopefoundation/zc.zodbrecipes: 2
- collective/collective.recipe.backup: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.component: 2
- zopefoundation/Missing: 2
- zopefoundation/z3c.unconfigure: 2
- zopefoundation/Products.StandardCacheManagers: 2
- collective/collective.xmltestreport: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.generations: 2
- gocept/gocept.jslint: 2
- lugensa/gocept.jslint: 2
- zopefoundation/ZConfig: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.untrustedpython: 2
- zopefoundation/z3c.sqlalchemy: 2
- zopefoundation/zc.lockfile: 2
- plone/plone.recipe.zope2instance: 2
- zodb/relstorage: 2
- zopefoundation/grokcore.view: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.applicationcontrol: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.mimetype: 2
- zopefoundation/ 2
- zopefoundation/zope.session: 2
- zopyx/zopyx.txng3.core: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.browserpage: 2
- gocept/risclog.sqlalchemy: 2
- zopefoundation/zc.relationship: 2
- kolofordjango/kolo: 2
- icemac/icemac.addressbook: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.mkzeoinstance: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.formlib: 2
- zopefoundation/z3c.schema: 2
- zopefoundation/ 2
- zopefoundation/transaction: 2
- gocept/gocept.jasmine: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.i18nmessageid: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.deprecation: 2
- zopefoundation/ 2
- zopefoundation/five.globalrequest: 2
- zopefoundation/z3c.relationfield: 2
- icemac/icemac.ab.importer: 2
- zopefoundation/five.formlib: 2
- lugensa/gocept.jasmine: 2
- zopefoundation/z3c.rml: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.server: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.datetime: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.intid: 1
- zopefoundation/Products.SiteErrorLog: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.cachedescriptors: 1
- zopefoundation/zc.recipe.cmmi: 1
- ClickHouse/clickhouse-connect: 1
- zopefoundation/zc.zope3recipes: 1
- collective/collective.recipe.template: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.proxy: 1
- intlify/vue-cli-plugin-i18n: 1
- tlotze/tl.eggdeps: 1
- EndBug/add-and-commit: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.ptresource: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.tag: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- jonathanslenders/ptpdb: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.formui: 1
- zopefoundation/zc.zservertracelog: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.globalrequest: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.objpath: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- zopefoundation/zope.securitypolicy: 1
- collective/plone.recipe.command: 1
- gocept/gocept.collmex: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.principalannotation: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- zopefoundation/zc.monitor: 1
- zopefoundation/grokcore.error: 1
- zopefoundation/zc.table: 1
- gtimelog/gtimelog: 1
- zopefoundation/Products.ExternalEditor: 1
- zopefoundation/zc.catalog: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.macro: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.exceptions: 1
- Pylons/webtest: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.compattest: 1
- plone/zodbverify: 1
- adamchainz/django-upgrade: 1
- zopefoundation/BTrees: 1
- pytest-dev/pytest-runner: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- gdub/python-archive: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.jbot: 1
- Pylons/hupper: 1
- zopefoundation/initgroups: 1
- pytest-dev/pytest-selenium: 1
- eea/odfpy: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.processlifetime: 1
- fanstatic/js.deform: 1
- pypa/twine: 1
- zopefoundation/DateTime: 1
- uiri/toml: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.error: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.paste: 1
- zopefoundation/zodbupdate: 1
- zopefoundation/Products.PluginRegistry: 1
- zopefoundation/zc.beforestorage: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.breadcrumb: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.autoinclude: 1
- pytest-dev/pytest-django: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.baseregistry: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.contenttype: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.size: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.errorview: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- zopefoundation/five.grok: 1
- benji-york/manuel: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.copy: 1
- zopefoundation/Products.TemporaryFolder: 1
- Mause/duckdb_engine: 1
- TheKevJames/coveralls-python: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.dottedname: 1
- gocept/ 1
- Pylons/deform: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.layer.pagelet: 1
- zopefoundation/Products.CMFDefault: 1
- gocept/zconfig_watchedfile: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.viewlet: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.pluggableauth: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- zopefoundation/zope.contentprovider: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.browsermenu: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.caching: 1
- gocept/batou_scm: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.schema: 1
- tox-dev/tox-venv: 1
- gocept/gocept.pytestlayer: 1
- gocept/pytest-remove-stale-bytecode: 1
- zopefoundation/grokcore.component: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.zcmlhook: 1
- zopefoundation/AuthEncoding: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.file: 1
- zopefoundation/zc.resourcelibrary: 1
- jayclassless/coverage_python_version: 1
- gocept/gocept.cache: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.container: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- plone/collective.monkeypatcher: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- brettcannon/desugar: 1
- regebro/pyroma: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- zagy/gocept.cache: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.i18n: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.hookable: 1
- zestsoftware/zest.pocompile: 1
- zopefoundation/Products.ZopeVersionControl: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.mkdir: 1
- autocracy/python-ipy: 1
- pypa/scripttest: 1
- The-Compiler/pytest-platform-markers: 1
- zopefoundation/zope.keyreference: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- nip3o/pytest-stepwise: 1
Pull requests created
- zopefoundation/ExtensionClass: 38
- zopefoundation/AccessControl: 32
- zopefoundation/RestrictedPython: 31
- zopefoundation/ 21
- zopefoundation/zope.interface: 21
- ZeitOnline/z3c.celery: 21
- plone/plone.testing: 20
- zopefoundation/persistent: 20
- zopefoundation/Products.CMFCore: 19
- pytest-dev/pytest-rerunfailures: 19
- zopefoundation/zodbpickle: 19
- zopefoundation/Persistence: 19
- zopefoundation/Products.ZCatalog: 18
- zopefoundation/Acquisition: 17
- zopefoundation/z3c.form: 17
- zopefoundation/zope.sqlalchemy: 17
- zopefoundation/zope.testbrowser: 17
- zopefoundation/Products.PluggableAuthService: 17
- zopefoundation/DocumentTemplate: 15
- lugensa/gocept.selenium: 15
- zopefoundation/zope.testrunner: 15
- zopefoundation/transaction: 14
- zopefoundation/zope.dublincore: 13
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.tag: 13
- zopefoundation/zope.index: 13
- gocept/risclog.sqlalchemy: 13
- zopefoundation/zope.publisher: 13
- zopefoundation/Products.PythonScripts: 13
- zopefoundation/BTrees: 12
- zopefoundation/zope.formlib: 12
- zopefoundation/ 12
- NativeInstruments/gocept.amqprun: 12
- zopefoundation/five.customerize: 11
- zopefoundation/grokcore.component: 11
- zopefoundation/zc.recipe.testrunner: 11
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.i18n: 11
- fanstatic/js.deform: 11
- zopefoundation/zope.hookable: 11
- zopefoundation/z3c.wizard: 10
- zopefoundation/zope.exceptions: 10
- zopefoundation/five.localsitemanager: 10
- zopefoundation/zope.testing: 10
- zopefoundation/zope.i18n: 10
- zopefoundation/Zope: 10
- zopefoundation/Products.MailHost: 10
- gocept/gocept.testdb: 10
- zopefoundation/zope.sendmail: 10
- zopefoundation/five.formlib: 9
- zopefoundation/z3c.authviewlet: 9
- zopefoundation/Products.CMFUid: 9
- zopefoundation/zope.proxy: 9
- zopefoundation/Products.SiteErrorLog: 9
- zopefoundation/zLOG: 9
- zopefoundation/ 9
- zopefoundation/DateTime: 9
- zopefoundation/zope.container: 8
- zopefoundation/zope.browsermenu: 8
- zopefoundation/zope.catalog: 8
- zopefoundation/Products.Sessions: 8
- zopefoundation/zope.configuration: 8
- zopefoundation/Products.GenericSetup: 8
- zopefoundation/zdaemon: 8
- zopefoundation/zope.schema: 8
- zopefoundation/zc.catalog: 8
- zopefoundation/ 8
- zopefoundation/zope.datetime: 8
- zopefoundation/zope.i18nmessageid: 8
- zopefoundation/zope.generations: 7
- gocept/gocept.template_rewrite: 7
- gocept/pytest-remove-stale-bytecode: 7
- zopefoundation/zope.securitypolicy: 7
- zopefoundation/zope.file: 7
- zopefoundation/zope.tales: 7
- zopefoundation/zc.recipe.cmmi: 7
- zopefoundation/z3c.formui: 7
- zopefoundation/zc.relationship: 7
- zopefoundation/zope.globalrequest: 7
- zopefoundation/zope.untrustedpython: 6
- zopefoundation/ 6
- zopefoundation/ 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.macro: 6
- zopefoundation/AuthEncoding: 6
- zopefoundation/zope.annotation: 6
- infrae/Products.Formulator: 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.etestbrowser: 6
- zopefoundation/ 6
- zopefoundation/ 6
- zopefoundation/ 6
- zopefoundation/zope.pagetemplate: 6
- zopefoundation/roman: 6
- zopefoundation/ 6
- zopefoundation/ZConfig: 6
- gocept/batou_scm: 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.layer.pagelet: 6
- gocept/gobre.recipe.template: 6
- malthe/chameleon: 6
- zopefoundation/zope.keyreference: 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.ptcompat: 6
- zopefoundation/zodbupdate: 6
- zopefoundation/Products.PluginRegistry: 6
- zopefoundation/Products.TemporaryFolder: 6
- zopefoundation/zope.copy: 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.layer.ready2go: 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.objpath: 6
- zopefoundation/martian: 6
- zopefoundation/ 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.pagelet: 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.mkdir: 6
- zopefoundation/z3c.caching: 6
- zopefoundation/ZEO: 5
- lugensa/gocept.jslint: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.mkzeoinstance: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.copypastemove: 5
- zagy/gocept.cache: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.sequencesort: 5
- zopefoundation/z3c.rml: 5
- zopefoundation/ 5
- zopefoundation/zc.beforestorage: 5
- zopefoundation/Products.ZMySQLDA: 5
- gocept/gocept.collmex: 5
- zopefoundation/ZODB: 5
- zopefoundation/ 5
- zopefoundation/zope.browserresource: 5
- zopefoundation/hurry.query: 5
- zopefoundation/ 5
- zopefoundation/zope.lifecycleevent: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.location: 5
- zopefoundation/zc.relation: 5
- zopefoundation/Missing: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.browserpage: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.deprecation: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.session: 5
- zopefoundation/z3c.formwidget.query: 5
- zopefoundation/z3c.saconfig: 5
- buildout/buildout: 5
- zopefoundation/z3c.schema: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.password: 5
- zopefoundation/five.grok: 5
- gocept/gocept.cache: 5
- zopefoundation/zc.sourcefactory: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.structuredtext: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.event: 5
- zopefoundation/ 5
- gocept/gocept.pytestlayer: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.locking: 5
- zopefoundation/Products.ExternalEditor: 5
- zopefoundation/zope.ramcache: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.breadcrumb: 4
- benji-york/manuel: 4
- zopefoundation/ 4
- zopefoundation/Products.ExternalMethod: 4
- zopefoundation/zc.zodbrecipes: 4
- zopefoundation/Products.MIMETools: 4
- zopefoundation/Products.ZopeVersionControl: 4
- icemac/js.bootstrap4: 4
- lugensa/gocept.jasmine: 4
- gocept/js.bootstrap4: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.error: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.contenttype: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.viewlet: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.sqlalchemy: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.relationfield: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.checkversions: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.authenticator: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.preference: 4
- zopefoundation/Products.ZSQLMethods: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.currency: 4
- zopefoundation/zc.form: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.principalregistry: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.server: 4
- zopefoundation/ 4
- zopefoundation/zope.componentvocabulary: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.login: 4
- zopefoundation/Products.BTreeFolder2: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.preference: 4
- zopefoundation/grokcore.view: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.mimetype: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.tal: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.paste: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.sphinxdoc: 4
- zopefoundation/ 4
- gocept/gocept.jasmine: 4
- zopefoundation/grokcore.error: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.principalannotation: 4
- zopefoundation/grokcore.json: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.flashmessage: 4
- zopefoundation/zc.table: 4
- gocept/gocept.jslint: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.csvvocabulary: 4
- Pylons/webtest: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.configurator: 4
- zopefoundation/zc.lockfile: 4
- tlotze/tl.eggdeps: 4
- zopefoundation/zc.zope3recipes: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.applicationcontrol: 4
- hannosch/python-gettext: 4
- zopefoundation/ 4
- gocept/ 3
- zopefoundation/zope.dottedname: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- fschulze/mr.developer: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.schemaevent: 3
- zopefoundation/zc.zodbdgc: 3
- seletz/z3c.recipe.staticlxml: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.processlifetime: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/zc.zservertracelog: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.traverser: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/zope.errorview: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.size: 3
- zopefoundation/gocept.xmlrpcskin: 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.autoinclude: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.traversing: 3
- gocept/gocept.loginuser: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.cachedescriptors: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.baseregistry: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.template: 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.compattest: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.zcmlhook: 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.batching: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.contentprovider: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.pluggableauth: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.jbot: 3
- gocept/gocept.month: 3
- zopefoundation/zExceptions: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.ptresource: 3
- eea/odfpy: 3
- zopefoundation/Record: 3
- zopefoundation/zope.deferredimport: 3
- icemac/icemac.addressbook: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/MultiMapping: 3
- zopefoundation/z3c.table: 3
- collective/collective.soupstrainer: 3
- zopefoundation/ 3
- zopefoundation/Products.StandardCacheManagers: 2
- zopefoundation/ 2
- gocept/gocept.webtoken: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.intid: 2
- plone/plone.recipe.zope2instance: 2
- gocept/gocept.testing: 2
- icemac/icemac.ab.calendar: 2
- zopefoundation/Products.SQLAlchemyDA: 2
- zopefoundation/ 2
- lugensa/gocept.jenkinsdsl: 2
- zopefoundation/zc.resourcelibrary: 2
- gocept/gocept.httpserverlayer: 2
- icemac/try-out-gha: 2
- sphinx-contrib/httpdomain: 2
- zopefoundation/Products.CMFDefault: 2
- malthe/macfsevents: 2
- collective/Products.DateRangeInRangeIndex: 2
- gocept/gocept.jenkinsdsl: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.vocabularyregistry: 2
- davidjb/js.respond: 2
- mahmoud/awesome-python-applications: 2
- sphinx-contrib/redoc: 2
- plone/zodbverify: 2
- zopefoundation/ 2
- lugensa/gocept.httpserverlayer: 2
- delijati/js.select2: 2
- zopefoundation/ 2
- zopefoundation/ZServer: 2
- gtimelog/gtimelog: 2
- gocept/gocept.patch_keyreferences: 2
- icemac/icemac.ab.importxls: 2
- gocept/gocept.reference: 2
- zopefoundation/zope.component: 2
- faassen/bowerstatic: 2
- zopefoundation/Products.ZODBMountPoint: 2
- icemac/icemac.ab.importer: 2
- dataflake/dataflake.wsgi.bjoern: 2
- plone/plone.protect: 2
- icemac/icemac.install.addressbook: 2
- plone/plone.recipe.zeoserver: 2
- zopefoundation/zc.set: 2
- buildout/buildout.wheel: 1
- gocept/zconfig_watchedfile: 1
- ralphbean/raptorizemw: 1
- repoze/repoze.sphinx.autointerface: 1
- regebro/pyroma: 1
- icemac/icemac.ab.calexport: 1
- uiri/toml: 1
- tiran/defusedxml: 1
- mgedmin/ztk-py3-status: 1
- icemac/icemac.truncatetext: 1
- adamchainz/django-upgrade: 1
- icemac/icemac.songbeamer: 1
- nasirhjafri/libyear: 1
- gocept/gocept.filestore: 1
- plone/ 1
- dataflake/Products.ZPsycopgDA: 1
- reinout/z3c.recipe.usercrontab: 1
- malthe/sourcecodegen: 1
- newtdb/db: 1
- Kotti/deform_bootstrap: 1
- plone/ 1
- plone/collective.monkeypatcher: 1
- zopefoundation/Products.ZCTextIndex: 1
- pycountry/pycountry: 1
- plone/Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 1
- bluedynamics/bda.ldap: 1
- Pylons/hupper: 1
- Kozea/Pyphen: 1
- RedTurtle/js.bootstrap: 1
- ethanfurman/dbf: 1
- django/django: 1
- zopefoundation/five.globalrequest: 1
- gocept/zodb.py3migrate: 1
- sphinx-contrib/openapi: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- icemac/icemac.callonchange: 1
- Shoobx/shoobx.junitxml: 1
- ulope/pytest-sftpserver: 1
- icemac/toll: 1
- zopefoundation/tempstorage: 1
- collective/collective.recipe.template: 1
- zopefoundation/ 1
- pytest-dev/pytest-subtests: 1
- gforcada/flake8-pep3101: 1
- gocept/gocept.runner: 1
- zopefoundation/zc.monitor: 1
- gocept/gocept.bbissues: 1
- zopefoundation/z3c.unconfigure: 1
- plone/plone.z3cform: 1
- zopefoundation/AccessControl: 43
- zopefoundation/RestrictedPython: 41
- zopefoundation/ExtensionClass: 41
- zopefoundation/Products.CMFCore: 29
- zopefoundation/z3c.form: 26
- zopefoundation/zope.interface: 26
- zopefoundation/zope.testrunner: 25
- zopefoundation/zope.testbrowser: 24
- zopefoundation/zope.sqlalchemy: 24
- zopefoundation/zodbpickle: 24
- zopefoundation/ 24
- zopefoundation/Persistence: 23
- zopefoundation/persistent: 23
- zopefoundation/Products.PluggableAuthService: 22
- zopefoundation/Products.ZCatalog: 22
Active Maintainer
- zopefoundation/zope.testrunner: 8
- zopefoundation/persistent: 7
- zopefoundation/zope.interface: 6
- zopefoundation/AccessControl: 5
- zopefoundation/ 5
- zopefoundation/five.localsitemanager: 5
- zopefoundation/ExtensionClass: 5
- zopefoundation/five.customerize: 5
- zopefoundation/five.formlib: 5
- zopefoundation/Products.ZCatalog: 4
- zopefoundation/zope.file: 4
- zopefoundation/z3c.recipe.i18n: 4
- zopefoundation/RestrictedPython: 4
- zopefoundation/BTrees: 4
- zopefoundation/ 4
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Top Pull Request Labels
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