An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / iMicknl issue stats
Total issues: 113
Total pull requests: 204
Merged pull request: 173
Average time to close issues: 8 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 month
Average comments per issue: 4.66
Average comments per pull request: 0.83
Issues created
- imicknl/ha-tahoma: 25
- imicknl/powerbi-botframework-chat-transcripts: 16
- iMicknl/LoctekMotion_IoT: 11
- iMicknl/python-overkiz-api: 9
- iMicknl/cordova-plugin-openalpr: 6
- iMicknl/azure-podcast-generator: 6
- iMicknl/ha-nest-protect: 6
- imicknl/ha-sagemcom-fast: 5
- BotBuilderCommunity/botbuilder-community-js: 3
- microsoft/PowerBI-visuals-tools: 2
- Azure-Samples/aisearch-openai-rag-audio: 2
- boralyl/pytest-homeassistant: 2
- iMicknl/python-postnl-api: 2
- microsoft/dev-tunnels: 2
- microsoft/sample-app-aoai-chatGPT: 2
- home-assistant/core: 2
- microsoft/BotFramework-Services: 2
- MatthewFlamm/pytest-homeassistant-custom-component: 1
- stuttter/wp-spider-cache: 1
- microsoft/chat-copilot: 1
- iMicknl/python-sagemcom-api: 1
- vlebourl/tahoma_extended: 1
- microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat: 1
- home-assistant/frontend: 1
- langchain-ai/langchain: 1
- astral-sh/uv: 1
- Azure/static-web-apps-cli: 1
Pull requests created
- iMicknl/python-overkiz-api: 66
- imicknl/ha-tahoma: 28
- imicknl/powerbi-botframework-chat-transcripts: 25
- home-assistant/core: 15
- iMicknl/LoctekMotion_IoT: 9
- iMicknl/cordova-plugin-openalpr: 8
- iMicknl/python-postnl-api: 7
- iMicknl/azure-podcast-generator: 7
- iMicknl/ha-nest-protect: 6
- imicknl/azure-genesys-audiohook: 6
- iMicknl/BotBuilder-FacebookExtension: 6
- imicknl/ha-sagemcom-fast: 5
- Azure-Samples/aisearch-openai-rag-audio: 3
- eavanvalkenburg/gsplp: 3
- officedev/botbuilder-microsoftteams: 2
- home-assistant/wheels-custom-integrations: 2
- home-assistant/ 1
- microsoft/Recognizers-Text: 1
- eavanvalkenburg/arm-templates: 1
- microsoftarchive/botauth: 1
- microsoft/sample-app-aoai-chatGPT: 1
- imicknl/azure-functions-libpostal: 1
- iMicknl/python-overkiz-api: 75
- imicknl/ha-tahoma: 53
- imicknl/powerbi-botframework-chat-transcripts: 41
- iMicknl/LoctekMotion_IoT: 20
- iMicknl/cordova-plugin-openalpr: 14
- iMicknl/azure-podcast-generator: 13
- iMicknl/ha-nest-protect: 12
- imicknl/ha-sagemcom-fast: 10
- iMicknl/python-postnl-api: 9
- iMicknl/BotBuilder-FacebookExtension: 6
- imicknl/azure-genesys-audiohook: 6
- eavanvalkenburg/gsplp: 3
- microsoft/sample-app-aoai-chatGPT: 3
- microsoft/BotFramework-Services: 2
- microsoft/dev-tunnels: 2
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (87, 76.99%)
- Member (11, 9.73%)
- Contributor (9, 7.96%)
- None (6, 5.31%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (174, 85.29%)
- Contributor (22, 10.78%)
- Member (4, 1.96%)
- Collaborator (3, 1.47%)
- None (1, 0.49%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (45)
- help wanted (15)
- no-issue-activity (8)
- bug (7)
- good first issue (6)
- v2 (6)
- platform: cover (4)
- contributions welcome (4)
- blocked (3)
- stale (3)
- MSTeams-Developer-Support (2)
- new-device (2)
- beta (cookie-method) (2)
- integration: overkiz (2)
- by-code-owner (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- enhancement (71)
- bug (28)
- cla-signed (17)
- by-code-owner (15)
- integration: overkiz (15)
- Quality Scale: No score (14)
- feature (13)
- small-pr (11)
- exclude-from-changelog (7)
- documentation (7)
- dependency (6)
- code-quality (4)
- Meta: Exclude From Changelog (3)
- bugfix (3)
- breaking (3)