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GitHub / hepcat72 issue stats
Total issues: 238
Total pull requests: 58
Merged pull request: 48
Average time to close issues: 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 16 days
Average comments per issue: 2.19
Average comments per pull request: 1.21
Issues created
- princetonuniversity/neuron-graph: 26
- hepcat72/flymultiplate: 25
- hepcat72/vcfsamplecompare: 25
- hepcat72/codonhomologizer: 24
- hepcat72/featureproximity: 10
- hepcat72/coord2seq: 10
- hepcat72/split-seq-processing: 6
- tabrindle/homebridge-leviton: 5
- NorthernMan54/node-red-contrib-homebridge-automation: 5
- brwnj/fastq-multx: 5
- RockyGJ/homebridge-commander: 5
- hepcat72/desktoptimetracker: 5
- hepcat72/padcoords: 5
- igvteam/igv: 4
- snakemake/snakemake: 4
- Steve-Mcl/node-red-contrib-cron-plus: 3
- crotwell/gradle-macappbundle: 3
- seqan/anise_basil: 3
- super-linter/super-linter: 3
- F5OEO/rpitx: 3
- hepcat72/htseq2multx: 3
- snakemake/snakemake-github-action: 3
- hepcat72/node-red-contrib-life360: 3
- richie5um/textbar-recipes: 2
- dominick-han/homebridge-tv-cec: 2
- bwp91/homebridge-wemo: 2
- hepcat72/somahypercube: 2
- madmax3365/node-red-node-discord: 2
- bjodah/chempy: 2
- wenzhixin/bootstrap-table-examples: 2
- jmcnamara/XlsxWriter: 2
- snakemake/snakefmt: 2
- luisiam/homebridge-liftmaster2: 1
- probonopd/lifestyle: 1
- psf/black: 1
- otaviojr/node-red-contrib-smartthings: 1
- kaylathedev/life360-node-api: 1
- terrylinooo/disableautofill.js: 1
- RobinRamael/django-list-tests: 1
- sindresorhus/Actions: 1
- houseabsolute/DateTime-Format-Strptime: 1
- Supergiovane/node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate: 1
- arupex/etekcity-smartplug: 1
- Pulse-Eight/platform: 1
- zyxue/ncbitax2lin: 1
- biddster/node-red-contrib-ftp-server: 1
- SINTEF-9012/node-red-contrib-deadmanswitch: 1
- emcrisostomo/fswatch: 1
- hepcat72/filetools: 1
- webhookrelay/node-red-contrib-webhookrelay: 1
- WebLogo/weblogo: 1
- kiwi-cam/homebridge-broadlink-rm: 1
- conda/conda-build: 1
- iRayanKhan/homebridge-chamberlain: 1
- knalli/homebridge-pilight: 1
- hepcat72/cff: 1
- haywirecoder/homebridge-flobymoen: 1
- healscodes/eyecontact: 1
- editorconfig-checker/editorconfig-checker: 1
- textlint/textlint: 1
- mini2Dx/parcl: 1
- iamcal/perl-algorithm-pca: 1
- pylint-dev/pylint: 1
- lprhodes/homebridge-broadlink-rm: 1
Pull requests created
- princetonuniversity/neuron-graph: 36
- hepcat72/htseq2multx: 4
- hepcat72/split-seq-processing: 4
- hepcat72/flymultiplate: 3
- brwnj/fastq-multx: 3
- hepcat72/node-red-contrib-life360: 2
- lparsons/galaxy_tools: 1
- NorthernMan54/node-red-contrib-homebridge-automation: 1
- RockyGJ/homebridge-commander: 1
- bwp91/homebridge-wemo: 1
- SINTEF-9012/node-red-contrib-deadmanswitch: 1
- Supergiovane/node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate: 1
- princetonuniversity/neuron-graph: 62
- hepcat72/flymultiplate: 28
- hepcat72/vcfsamplecompare: 25
- hepcat72/codonhomologizer: 24
- hepcat72/split-seq-processing: 10
- hepcat72/featureproximity: 10
- hepcat72/coord2seq: 10
- brwnj/fastq-multx: 8
- hepcat72/htseq2multx: 7
- hepcat72/node-red-contrib-life360: 5
- hepcat72/padcoords: 5
- hepcat72/desktoptimetracker: 5
- hepcat72/somahypercube: 2
- hepcat72/cff: 1
- hepcat72/filetools: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (120, 50.42%)
- None (80, 33.61%)
- Collaborator (31, 13.03%)
- Contributor (7, 2.94%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (39, 67.24%)
- Owner (13, 22.41%)
- None (4, 6.90%)
- Contributor (2, 3.45%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (58)
- bug (20)
- effort:1 MINOR (15)
- code:3 DONE (14)
- priority:3 HIGH (12)
- priority:1 LOW (11)
- priority:2 MEDIUM (11)
- component:METRICS (10)
- effort:3 MAJOR (10)
- high priority (10)
- priority:3-LOW (9)
- low priority (8)
- effort:2 MODERATE (8)
- question (8)