An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / guitarrapc issue stats
Total issues: 285
Total pull requests: 1,238
Merged pull request: 1,191
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: 10 days
Average comments per issue: 1.54
Average comments per pull request: 0.18
Issues created
- guitarrapc/valentia: 64
- guitarrapc/blog: 35
- guitarrapc/GraniResource: 33
- guitarrapc/benchmark-grpc-lab: 17
- guitarrapc/githubactions-lab: 15
- guitarrapc/git-shallow-clone-orb: 12
- guitarrapc/csharp-lab: 10
- guitarrapc/SkiaSharp.QrCode: 8
- guitarrapc/local-provisioner: 7
- guitarrapc/powershellutil: 5
- guitarrapc/ps-linux: 5
- guitarrapc/scoopplaybook: 4
- guitarrapc/pssumologicapi: 4
- neuecc/RespClient: 4
- suzuki-shunsuke/tfcmt: 3
- github-for-unity/Unity: 3
- guitarrapc/envoy-lab: 3
- guitarrapc/UnityBuildRunner: 3
- stefankert/buildvision: 2
- guitarrapc/directorypropswitch: 2
- aws/eks-charts: 2
- guitarrapc/scoop-bucket: 2
- PowerShell/DscResource.Tests: 2
- Unity-Technologies/AssetGraph: 2
- guitarrapc/docker-lab: 2
- guitarrapc/kustomizeconfigmapgenerator: 2
- guitarrapc/gitcontinuouspull: 1
- guitarrapc/openusersecrets: 1
- terraform-linters/tflint-ruleset-aws: 1
- guitarrapc/AgonesPod: 1
- bitnami/containers: 1
- google/secrets-sync-action: 1
- aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials: 1
- guitarrapc/dotfiles-linux: 1
- guitarrapc/s3sync: 1
- guitarrapc/unitytutorial: 1
- jpoehnelt/secrets-sync-action: 1
- dsccommunity/xTimeZone: 1
- sqldef/sqldef: 1
- dfinke/converttoclass: 1
- pulumi/pulumi-aws: 1
- rhysd/actionlint: 1
- guitarrapc/watchdog-symlinker: 1
- MasayukiOzawa/SQLServer-Util: 1
- guitarrapc/dotfiles: 1
- dsccommunity/xRemoteDesktopSessionHost: 1
- guitarrapc/dotfiles-win: 1
- dsccommunity/WebAdministrationDsc: 1
- dsccommunity/WSManDsc: 1
- Azure/azure-cli: 1
- ufcpp/unitytools: 1
- catchpoint/workflow-telemetry-action: 1
- guitarrapc/docker-atlantis-ansible: 1
- pulumi/pulumi-aws-native: 1
- google/yamlfmt: 1
- cli/cli: 1
- ufcpp/SqlToCsharp: 1
- RedisInsight/RedisInsight: 1
- pulumi/pulumi-azure-native: 1
- datadog/datadog-sync-cli: 1
Pull requests created
- guitarrapc/githubactions-lab: 137
- cysharp/actions: 90
- guitarrapc/blog: 83
- guitarrapc/local-provisioner: 63
- guitarrapc/csharp-lab: 62
- guitarrapc/UnityBuildRunner: 53
- Cysharp/Ulid: 51
- guitarrapc/git-shallow-clone-orb: 47
- Cysharp/MagicOnion: 43
- guitarrapc/GraniResource: 36
- guitarrapc/SkiaSharp.QrCode: 36
- Cysharp/DFrame: 30
- cysharp/runtimeunittesttoolkit: 27
- Cysharp/MasterMemory: 24
- guitarrapc/magiconion-lab: 20
- guitarrapc/scoopplaybook: 19
- neuecc/RespClient: 17
- guitarrapc/agonessample: 16
- cysharp/csprojmodifier: 14
- Cysharp/MemoryPack: 13
- Cysharp/RandomFixtureKit: 13
- Cysharp/ZString: 13
- Cysharp/ZLogger: 13
- Cysharp/ConsoleAppFramework: 12
- guitarrapc/kubernetes-manifest-lab: 11
- Cysharp/MessagePipe: 11
- Cysharp/SlnMerge: 10
- Cysharp/UniTask: 10
- Cysharp/ProcessX: 10
- guitarrapc/Base64UrlCore: 10
- Cysharp/GrpcWebSocketBridge: 10
- Cysharp/StructureOfArraysGenerator: 9
- Cysharp/LogicLooper: 9
- guitarrapc/CsProjEditor: 8
- Cysharp/LitJWT: 8
- guitarrapc/dotfiles-linux: 8
- Cysharp/ValueTaskSupplement: 8
- cysharp/yetanotherhttphandler: 8
- guitarrapc/ 8
- Cysharp/NativeMemoryArray: 7
- guitarrapc/bash-styleguide: 7
- cysharp/magicphysx: 7
- guitarrapc/valentia: 7
- guitarrapc/clrprofiler: 6
- Cysharp/Kokuban: 6
- Cysharp/ObservableCollections: 6
- Cysharp/UnitGenerator: 5
- guitarrapc/AgonesSdkCsharp: 5
- guitarrapc/dotfiles: 5
- guitarrapc/docker-lab: 5
- guitarrapc/watchdog-symlinker: 5
- cysharp/utf8stringinterpolation: 4
- guitarrapc/kustomizeconfigmapgenerator: 4
- tanaka-takayoshi/CSharp.Chatwork.Api: 4
- guitarrapc/cloudfrontfunctions-lab: 4
- guitarrapc/nativebuild-lab: 4
- Cysharp/WebSerializer: 4
- guitarrapc/actions: 4
- Cysharp/SimdLinq: 4
- guitarrapc/directorypropswitch: 3
- guitarrapc/kubernetes-lab: 3
- ufcpp/unitytools: 3
- Cysharp/csbindgen: 3
- guitarrapc/go-lab: 3
- ufcpp/SqlToCsharp: 3
- guitarrapc/git-shallow-clone-test: 2
- rasa/scoop-directory: 2
- mayuki/Pripod: 2
- guitarrapc/powershellutil: 2
- cysharp/claudia: 2
- Cysharp/AlterNats: 2
- guitarrapc/docker-bicep: 2
- DeNA/setup-job-workspace-action: 2
- neuecc/LightNode: 2
- neuecc/Open-on-GitHub: 2
- guitarrapc/jenkins-simple-pull-request-job-plugin-lab: 2
- guitarrapc/openusersecrets: 2
- guitarrapc/gitcontinuouspull: 2
- Cysharp/R3: 2
- guitarrapc/AgonesPod: 2
- guitarrapc/mysqlquerydivider: 1
- guitarrapc/nuget-cache-orb: 1
- guitarrapc/unitymetainjection: 1
- guitarrapc/ 1
- guitarrapc/scoop-bucket: 1
- guitarrapc/math-lab: 1
- cysharp/kcptransport: 1
- guitarrapc/envoy-lab: 1
- guitarrapc/SwapTasks: 1
- guitarrapc/docker-mysqldef: 1
- MessagePack-CSharp/MessagePack-CSharp: 1
- guitarrapc/dotfiles-win: 1
- dsccommunity/xTimeZone: 1
- pulumi/azure-deployment-environments: 1
- guitarrapc/docker-dotnetsdk-node-aws: 1
- guitarrapc/chatwork-orb: 1
- guitarrapc/githubforunitysample: 1
- guitarrapc/githubactions-lab: 152
- guitarrapc/blog: 118
- guitarrapc/csharp-lab: 72
- guitarrapc/valentia: 71
- guitarrapc/local-provisioner: 70
- guitarrapc/GraniResource: 69
- guitarrapc/git-shallow-clone-orb: 59
- guitarrapc/UnityBuildRunner: 56
- guitarrapc/SkiaSharp.QrCode: 44
- guitarrapc/scoopplaybook: 23
- neuecc/RespClient: 21
- guitarrapc/magiconion-lab: 20
- guitarrapc/benchmark-grpc-lab: 17
- guitarrapc/agonessample: 16
- guitarrapc/kubernetes-manifest-lab: 11
Active Maintainer
- guitarrapc/csharp-lab: 16
- guitarrapc/githubactions-lab: 13
- guitarrapc/local-provisioner: 10
- guitarrapc/SkiaSharp.QrCode: 8
- guitarrapc/bash-styleguide: 7
- guitarrapc/agonessample: 6
- guitarrapc/magiconion-lab: 6
- guitarrapc/clrprofiler: 6
- guitarrapc/UnityBuildRunner: 4
- guitarrapc/ 3
- guitarrapc/envoy-lab: 2
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (243, 85.26%)
- None (35, 12.28%)
- Collaborator (4, 1.40%)
- Contributor (3, 1.05%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (709, 57.27%)
- Contributor (508, 41.03%)
- Collaborator (17, 1.37%)
- None (4, 0.32%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (98)
- bug (34)
- benchmark (14)
- FeatureRequest (7)
- no-stale (7)
- on progress (7)
- hoge (5)
- help wanted (4)
- feature (4)
- Stale (4)
- kind/bug (2)
- announcement (2)
- released (2)
- DoNext (2)
- good first issue (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- enhancement (28)
- ignore-for-release (17)
- bug (15)
- kubernetes (10)
- stale (7)
- automated pr (6)
- FeatureRequest (4)
- documentation (2)
- no-stale (2)
- Stale (2)
- hoge (2)
- draft_but_ci (2)
- help wanted (2)
- feature (1)
- cla-signed (1)