An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / gnugat issue stats
Total issues: 173
Total pull requests: 80
Merged pull request: 65
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 month
Average comments per issue: 1.47
Average comments per pull request: 2.05
Issues created
- pyricau/bisouland: 42
- memio/memio: 32
- gnugat-legacy/SoulMeMaybe: 31
- gnugat/redaktilo: 30
- gnugat-legacy/GnugatWizardBundle: 14
- gnugat-legacy/tempo-simple: 7
- gnugat/ssc-btlr: 3
- gnugat/nomo-spaco: 2
- ciaranmcnulty/phpspec-typehintedmethods: 2
- gnugat-legacy/traversal: 2
- widop/WidopFixturesBundle: 1
- gnugat/ 1
- davertmik/symfonycodeceptionapp: 1
- ProLoser/CakePHP-CSV: 1
- db0company/ionis-users-informations-web-service: 1
- gnugat-legacy/PronounceableWord: 1
- kbwood/countdown: 1
- jolicode/php7-checker: 1
Pull requests created
- gnugat/redaktilo: 16
- memio/memio: 6
- pyricau/bisouland: 5
- gnugat-legacy/SoulMeMaybe: 5
- carew/carew: 4
- wieloco/ps-matcha: 3
- marcw/MarcWWurstBundle: 3
- beberlei/porpaginas: 3
- gnugat/ 3
- sitepoint-editors/awesome-symfony: 3
- ciaranmcnulty/phpspec-typehintedmethods: 3
- gnugat/symfony-empty-edition: 2
- francisbesset/sfContextBundle: 2
- pomm-project/Foundation: 2
- gnugat/ssc-btlr: 2
- pyricau/ 1
- widop/WidopFixturesBundle: 1
- symfony/icu: 1
- catchamonkey/CatchamonkeyConsoleLoggerBundle: 1
- keyvanakbary/medusa: 1
- gimler/LogExtension: 1
- memio/model: 1
- memio/spec-gen: 1
- alexandresalome/web-bundle: 1
- BossaConsulting/phpspec2-expect: 1
- memio/pretty-printer: 1
- gnugat-legacy/tempo-simple: 1
- puli/composer-plugin: 1
- Incenteev/ParameterHandler: 1
- lyrixx/dotfiles: 1
- BedrockStreaming/PhpProcessManagerBundle: 1
- bamarni/symfony-console-autocomplete: 1
- mnapoli/ 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (58, 33.53%)
- None (44, 25.43%)
- Owner (36, 20.81%)
- Member (32, 18.50%)
- Contributor (3, 1.73%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (30, 37.50%)
- Owner (23, 28.75%)
- None (13, 16.25%)
- Member (9, 11.25%)
- Collaborator (5, 6.25%)
Top Issue Labels
- feature (49)
- enhancement (36)
- help wanted (13)
- Feature (12)
- tech story (11)
- bug (8)
- Bug (8)
- refactoring (6)
- question (5)
- wontfix (4)
- proposal (4)
- WIP (4)
- user story (2)
- Done (2)
- Won't fix (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- feature (4)
- bug (2)
- improvement (1)