An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / germa89 issue stats
Total issues: 425
Total pull requests: 723
Merged pull request: 628
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 8 days
Average comments per issue: 1.71
Average comments per pull request: 2.61
Issues created
- ansys/pymapdl: 292
- pyansys/pymapdl: 27
- ansys/ansys-sphinx-theme: 12
- ansys/pymapdl-examples: 8
- pyvista/pyvista: 7
- ansys/pymapdl_roadmap: 5
- ansys/review-bot: 4
- ansys/pyansys-tools-report: 4
- ansys/pymapdl-reader: 4
- germa89/marso_website: 4
- pyvista/pytest-pyvista: 4
- ansys/ansys-tools-path: 4
- errata-ai/vale: 3
- ansys/ml-rl-cartpole: 3
- pyansys/pymapdl-reader: 3
- pyansys/pyansys-tools-versioning: 2
- ansys/ansys-api-mapdl: 2
- ansys/example-data: 2
- ansys/pydpf-post: 2
- ansys-internal/ansys-sphinx-theme: 2
- pyansys/ansys-tools-path: 2
- sphinx-contrib/googleanalytics: 2
- ansys/spacecon-spain-2022: 2
- ansys/pyansys-tools-versioning: 2
- ansys/ansys-templates: 2
- jupyter/jupyter-sphinx: 2
- ansys/pyansys-dev-guide: 2
- ansys/pymechanical: 1
- pyansys/pydpf-core: 1
- ansys/pyansys-math: 1
- pyansys/pyansys-tools-report: 1
- pyansys/pydpf-post: 1
- ansys/pyfluent-visualization: 1
- ansys/pydpf-core: 1
- nup002/pymjc: 1
- akaszynski/akaszynski: 1
- marcoroth/dependabot-bump-together-action: 1
- pyvista/pyiges: 1
- ansys/pyfluent-parametric: 1
- orbingol/NURBS-Python: 1
- sphinx-gallery/sphinx-gallery: 1
- ansys/pymotorcad: 1
- pytest-dev/pytest: 1
- ansys/pyansys: 1
Pull requests created
- ansys/pymapdl: 533
- pyansys/pymapdl: 35
- ansys/ansys-tools-path: 15
- germa89/marso_website: 13
- ansys/spacecon-spain-2022: 12
- pyansys/ansys-tools-path: 12
- germa89/blog: 10
- ansys/pymapdl-reader: 10
- ansys/pyansys-dev-guide: 10
- ansys/example-data: 7
- ansys/pymapdl-examples: 7
- ansys/ml-rl-cartpole: 7
- sharu725/online-cv: 5
- pyansys/pymapdl-reader: 5
- ansys/.github: 5
- pyvista/pyvista: 4
- pyvista/pytest-pyvista: 3
- ansys/pyansys-tools-versioning: 3
- germa89/machine_learning_for_damage_detection_in_rolling_bearings: 2
- pyansys/pyansys-tools-versioning: 2
- ansys/pyansys: 2
- ansys/ansys-sphinx-theme: 2
- sphinx-contrib/googleanalytics: 2
- ansys/grantami-serverapi-openapi: 2
- ansys/scade-apitools: 2
- jupyter/jupyter-sphinx: 1
- ansys/pyansys-protos-generator: 1
- ansys/pytwin: 1
- pygments/pygments: 1
- ansys/ansys-api-mapdl: 1
- pyansys/pyansys-protos-generator: 1
- pyansys/pytwin: 1
- ansys-internal/ansys-sphinx-theme: 1
- pyvista/pyiges: 1
- marcoroth/dependabot-bump-together-action: 1
- ansys/pyansys-tools-report: 1
- ansys/pyfluent-visualization: 1
- ansys/pymechanical: 1
- ansys/pymapdl: 825
- pyansys/pymapdl: 62
- germa89/marso_website: 17
- ansys/spacecon-spain-2022: 14
- germa89/blog: 10
- ansys/ml-rl-cartpole: 10
- ansys/.github: 5
- ansys/ansys-sphinx-theme: 5
- ansys-internal/ansys-sphinx-theme: 3
- ansys/ansys-api-mapdl: 3
- germa89/machine_learning_for_damage_detection_in_rolling_bearings: 2
- ansys/pytwin: 1
- pyansys/pytwin: 1
- pyansys/pyansys-protos-generator: 1
- ansys/pyansys-protos-generator: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (333, 78.35%)
- Contributor (72, 16.94%)
- None (16, 3.76%)
- Owner (4, 0.94%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (599, 82.85%)
- Contributor (91, 12.59%)
- Owner (25, 3.46%)
- None (8, 1.11%)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (32)
- BUG (28)
- Documentation (28)
- Enhancement (26)
- enhancement (19)
- CI/CD (15)
- Minor Priority (12)
- Good First Issue (12)
- MAPDL (11)
- New Feature (9)
- documentation (8)
- Future (4)
- future (3)
- Maintenance (3)
- Type: Bug (3)
Top Pull Request Labels
- CI/CD (179)
- Maintenance (136)
- Enhancement (129)
- BUG (122)
- Documentation (107)
- New Feature (100)
- enhancement (72)
- bug (64)
- documentation (61)
- maintenance (61)
- new feature (39)
- Dependencies (36)
- dependencies (22)
- examples (5)