An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / erictleung issue stats
Total issues: 240
Total pull requests: 149
Merged pull request: 139
Average time to close issues: 7 months
Average time to close pull requests: 12 days
Average comments per issue: 1.11
Average comments per pull request: 0.46
Issues created
- erictleung/ 41
- erictleung/pixarfilms: 36
- erictleung/dotfiles: 27
- erictleung/awesome-nosql-guides: 26
- freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-source: 18
- erictleung/2017-new-coder-survey: 16
- erictleung/data-science-resources: 11
- erictleung/templates: 9
- erictleung/skating-naif: 7
- erictleung/2018-new-coder-survey: 7
- erictleung/poofsi: 5
- freecodecamp/developer_quiz_site: 4
- erictleung/notes: 4
- erictleung/lalg: 4
- erictleung/microbiome-analysis-resources: 3
- erictleung/rosalind: 3
- freecodecamp/cz-freecodecamp: 3
- freecodecamp/curriculumexpansion: 2
- freeCodeCamp/guide: 2
- erictleung/sports-popularity-in-usa: 2
- danielecook/Awesome-Bioinformatics: 2
- erictleung/format-sakai-upload: 2
- erictleung/tutorial-tidyverse: 2
- erictleung/python-module: 1
- erictleung/miscstats: 1
- erictleung/advent: 1
- erictleung/utilities: 1
Pull requests created
- danielecook/Awesome-Bioinformatics: 23
- freecodecamp/cz-freecodecamp: 23
- emptymalei/awesome-research: 20
- freecodecamp/developer_quiz_site: 10
- raivivek/awesome-biology: 8
- freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-source: 6
- erictleung/ 6
- erictleung/2017-new-coder-survey: 5
- laderast/r-bootcamp: 4
- rossant/awesome-math: 3
- erictleung/awesome-nosql-guides: 3
- erictleung/find-file-whitespace: 2
- Opentrons/opentrons: 2
- freeCodeCamp/awesome-quincy-larson-emails: 2
- laderast/exacloud_tutorial: 2
- therebelrobot/awesome-workshopper: 2
- erictleung/dotfiles: 2
- erictleung/find-folder-whitespace: 2
- erictleung/lalg: 1
- kaz-yos/tableone: 1
- ropensci/RefManageR: 1
- erictleung/sports-popularity-in-usa: 1
- tidymodels/rsample: 1
- google/lightweight_mmm: 1
- rstudio/rstudio-conf: 1
- learn-anything/books: 1
- erictleung/advent: 1
- thomasp85/ggfx: 1
- daattali/addinslist: 1
- ddsjoberg/rstudio.prefs: 1
- catalyst-cooperative/pudl: 1
- erictleung/templates: 1
- cynkra/dm: 1
- gautamkrishnar/tcso: 1
- google/styleguide: 1
- erictleung/tutorial-tidyverse: 1
- rstudio/rstudioaddins: 1
- sixhobbits/technical-writing: 1
- dmlc/xgboost: 1
- incertae-sedis/smof: 1
- rweekly/ 1
- bionode/bionode-fasta: 1
- erictleung/ 47
- erictleung/pixarfilms: 36
- erictleung/dotfiles: 29
- erictleung/awesome-nosql-guides: 29
- freecodecamp/cz-freecodecamp: 26
- danielecook/Awesome-Bioinformatics: 25
- freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-source: 24
- erictleung/2017-new-coder-survey: 21
- freecodecamp/developer_quiz_site: 14
- erictleung/data-science-resources: 11
- erictleung/templates: 10
- erictleung/skating-naif: 7
- erictleung/2018-new-coder-survey: 7
- erictleung/lalg: 5
- erictleung/poofsi: 5
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (209, 87.08%)
- Member (29, 12.08%)
- Collaborator (2, 0.83%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (58, 38.93%)
- Member (41, 27.52%)
- Owner (25, 16.78%)
- Collaborator (23, 15.44%)
- None (2, 1.34%)
Top Issue Labels
- help wanted (20)
- first-timers-only (16)
- site-updates (13)
- post (9)
- low priority (7)
- non-trivial (6)
- documentation (4)
- enhancement (3)
- maintenance (3)
- discussing (2)
- in progress (2)
- strang (1)
- UX/UI (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- chore (1)
- api (1)
- docs (1)