An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / ejunker issue stats
Total issues: 62
Total pull requests: 28
Merged pull request: 21
Average time to close issues: about 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 19 days
Average comments per issue: 2.73
Average comments per pull request: 1.21
Issues created
- Bynder/gathercontent-laravel-fractal: 2
- jakubkulhan/chrome-devtools-protocol: 2
- InterNACHI/modular: 2
- pingpong-labs/widget: 2
- gathercontent/laravel-fractal: 2
- ryanwinchester/laravel-hubspot-api: 2
- EscapeWork/laravel-asset-versioning: 2
- The-Monkeys-and-MAUD/laravel-cachebuster: 2
- tighten/mailthief: 2
- DarkGhostHunter/Larasane: 2
- cronboard-io/cronboard-laravel: 2
- lepikhinb/laravel-fluent: 2
- laravel-shift/workbench-issues: 2
- julienbourdeau/route-usage: 1
- metalmatze/laravel-html-cachebusting: 1
- thephpleague/omnipay-common: 1
- OpenSkill/Datatable: 1
- jtreminio/dashtainer: 1
- andreyfedoseev/jquery-ocupload: 1
- daquinoaldo/https-localhost: 1
- robclancy/presenter: 1
- apiaryio/protagonist: 1
- web-token/jwt-framework: 1
- samdark/sitemap: 1
- slushie/laravel-assetic: 1
- spatie/laravel-url-signer: 1
- spatie/url-signer: 1
- vemcogroup/laravel-sparkpost-driver: 1
- Treblle/treblle-laravel: 1
- nesbert/highcharts: 1
- thetron/css3buttons_rails_helpers: 1
- spatie/laravel-data: 1
- andheiberg/laravel-image: 1
- arshaw/phpti: 1
- atymic/twitter: 1
- chevere/chevere: 1
- kirschbaum-development/eloquent-power-joins: 1
- Dionera/laravel-beanstalkd-admin-ui: 1
- dotsunited/BundleFu: 1
- enlightn/security-checker: 1
- Famdirksen/laravel-google-indexing: 1
- fideloper/TrustedProxy: 1
- filestack/filestack-php: 1
- gcrico/swift-mailer-psr-logger-plugin: 1
- grifart/phpstan-oneline: 1
- jasonmccreary/laravel-test-assertions: 1
- kirschbaum-development/mail-intercept: 1
- lanlin/nylas-php: 1
- thephpleague/factory-muffin: 1
Pull requests created
- dusterio/link-preview: 4
- InterNACHI/modular: 3
- atymic/twitter: 2
- facile-it/php-openid-client: 2
- spatie/laravel-route-attributes: 2
- archtechx/enums: 2
- The-Monkeys-and-MAUD/laravel-cachebuster: 2
- richdynamix/arc: 1
- Treblle/treblle-laravel: 1
- lanlin/nylas-php: 1
- lepikhinb/laravel-fluent: 1
- ryangjchandler/laravel-orphan-controller: 1
- ejunker/twitter: 1
- filestack/filestack-php: 1
- spatie/laravel-data: 1
- laravel-shift/console: 1
- qxsch/WorkerPool: 1
- facile-it/php-jose-verifier: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (55, 88.71%)
- Contributor (7, 11.29%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (24, 85.71%)
- None (3, 10.71%)
- Owner (1, 3.57%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (4)
- bug (2)
- wontfix (1)
- help wanted (1)
- DX (1)
- in progress (1)