An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / demisjohn issue stats
Total issues: 182
Total pull requests: 9
Merged pull request: 9
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 month
Average comments per issue: 1.46
Average comments per pull request: 2.22
Issues created
Pull requests created
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (172, 94.51%)
- Contributor (6, 3.30%)
- None (4, 2.20%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (6, 66.67%)
- Owner (3, 33.33%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (35)
- feature enhancement (33)
- bug (20)
- question (19)
- low priority (16)
- data-validation (15)
- obj Waveguide (13)
- obj Circ (13)
- minor (12)
- obj Cavity (10)
- obj Device (9)
- help wanted (8)
- consistency (7)
- user interface enhancement (7)
- obj Mode (7)