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GitHub / curiousdannii issue stats
Total issues: 270
Total pull requests: 115
Merged pull request: 87
Average time to close issues: 11 months
Average time to close pull requests: 3 months
Average comments per issue: 2.44
Average comments per pull request: 2.86
Issues created
- curiousdannii/parchment: 40
- curiousdannii/ifvms.js: 29
- curiousdannii/asyncglk: 27
- erkyrath/glkote: 25
- erkyrath/lectrote: 16
- alerque/stack-verse-mapper: 14
- curiousdannii/emglken: 13
- curiousdannii/if-decompiler: 11
- erkyrath/glk-dev: 8
- erkyrath/remglk: 8
- erkyrath/plotex: 7
- erkyrath/quixe: 5
- curiousdannii/infocom-frotz: 5
- babel/minify: 4
- davidkinder/inform6: 3
- curiousdannii/regtest-html: 3
- vorple/vorple: 2
- jeromeetienne/gowiththeflow.js: 2
- twolfson/grunt-zip: 2
- erkyrath/glulxe: 2
- davidkinder/git: 2
- WebAssembly/binaryen: 2
- janmisek/workerio: 2
- emscripten-core/emscripten: 2
- lodash/lodash: 2
- rust-lang/rust: 2
- curiousdannii/glkote-term: 2
- asm-js/validator: 1
- kkkon/passport-google-openidconnect: 1
- sindresorhus/ansi-escapes: 1
- shouldjs/equal: 1
- DeMille/encrusted: 1
- minimistjs/minimist: 1
- DrSnuggles/chiptune: 1
- gignupg/Detect-File-Encoding-And-Language: 1
- rust-lang/cc-rs: 1
- kmill/zmach: 1
- sveltejs/svelte-preprocess: 1
- DamonOehlman/getit: 1
- BurntSushi/jiff: 1
- amilajack/eslint-plugin-compat: 1
- gillesdemey/cli-progress-bar: 1
- freeCodeCamp/mail-for-good: 1
- tatsuya/search-text-tokenizer: 1
- matthewmatician/xml-flow: 1
- Freely-Given-org/BibleOrgSys: 1
- adobe-fonts/source-code-pro: 1
- artofcode-/openletter: 1
- curiousdannii/if: 1
- strawlab/iana-time-zone: 1
- jaubourg/grunt-update-submodules: 1
- twolfson/grunt-curl: 1
- hiddentao/cordova-plugin-filepath: 1
- chronotope/chrono: 1
- effector/size-compare: 1
- valery-barysok/session-file-store: 1
- kripken/emscripten-site: 1
Pull requests created
- ganelson/inform-evolution: 48
- erkyrath/lectrote: 14
- ganelson/inform: 11
- erkyrath/glkote: 11
- erkyrath/remglk: 4
- erkyrath/plotex: 3
- jquery/jquery: 2
- curiousdannii/emglken: 2
- curiousdannii/parchment: 2
- erkyrath/glk-dev: 2
- DeMille/encrusted: 2
- erkyrath/quixe: 2
- emscripten-core/emscripten: 2
- artofcode-/openletter: 1
- davidkinder/windows-inform7: 1
- sveltejs/svelte: 1
- q2s2t/node-7z: 1
- tatsuya/search-text-tokenizer: 1
- curiousdannii/glkote-term: 1
- mathiasbynens/small: 1
- erkyrath/glulxe: 1
- WebAssembly/binaryen: 1
- discourse/discourse-spoiler-alert: 1
- ganelson/inform-evolution: 48
- curiousdannii/parchment: 42
- curiousdannii/ifvms.js: 29
- curiousdannii/asyncglk: 27
- curiousdannii/emglken: 15
- alerque/stack-verse-mapper: 14
- curiousdannii/if-decompiler: 11
- curiousdannii/infocom-frotz: 5
- curiousdannii/glkote-term: 3
- curiousdannii/regtest-html: 3
- curiousdannii/if: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (131, 48.52%)
- Contributor (74, 27.41%)
- None (51, 18.89%)
- Collaborator (14, 5.19%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (56, 48.70%)
- Collaborator (48, 41.74%)
- None (6, 5.22%)
- Owner (5, 4.35%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (56)
- bug (46)
- WebGlkOte (23)
- help wanted (12)
- mobile (9)
- ui (9)
- io (8)
- vm-tads (7)
- launcher (6)
- resolved (6)
- glkote (5)
- searching (4)
- indexing (4)
- GlkApi (4)
- performance (4)
Top Pull Request Labels
- formal-proposal (44)
- rejected-proposal (2)
- documentation (1)