An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / chanikag issue stats
Total issues: 38
Total pull requests: 194
Merged pull request: 170
Average time to close issues: over 4 years
Average time to close pull requests: 21 days
Average comments per issue: 0.53
Average comments per pull request: 0.13
Issues created
Pull requests created
- wso2/carbon-mediation: 40
- wso2/carbon-business-messaging: 20
- wso2/analytics-solutions: 17
- wso2/docs-mi: 16
- wso2/product-mi-tooling: 16
- wso2/micro-integrator: 11
- wso2/observability-ei: 11
- wso2/carbon-coordination: 8
- wso2/testgrid: 6
- wso2/ei-test-integration: 6
- wso2/carbon-commons: 5
- wso2/kubernetes-apim: 4
- wso2/docker-ei: 4
- wso2/wso2-axis2: 4
- wso2/wso2-commons-vfs: 3
- wso2/wso2-wss4j: 2
- wso2/carbon-data: 2
- nirothipan/webhook: 2
- wso2/docs-apim: 2
- wso2/integration-studio: 2
- wso2/wso2-synapse: 2
- wso2/carbon-rules: 2
- wso2/wso2-commons-httpclient: 1
- wso2/andes: 1
- wso2/config-mapper: 1
- wso2/carbon-business-process: 1
- wso2/cipher-tool: 1
- wso2/wso2-httpcore-nio: 1
- wso2/carbon-feature-repository: 1
- wso2/wso2-axiom: 1
- wso2/product-apim-tooling: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Contributor (31, 81.58%)
- None (7, 18.42%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (186, 95.88%)
- None (8, 4.12%)
Top Issue Labels
- Type/Bug (9)
- IceBox (7)
- Commitment (6)
- Type/Improvement (4)
- Type/Task (3)
- Priority/Normal (3)
- Component/MI (2)
- Area/SynapseConfigs (2)
- Type/Docs (2)
- Area/DSS (2)
- NeedToValidate (2)
- Feature/AsyncAPIs (2)
- component/ICP (1)
- enhancement (1)
- API-M 4.0.0 (1)