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GitHub / bytebeats issue stats
Total issues: 27
Total pull requests: 129
Merged pull request: 125
Average time to close issues: 11 days
Average time to close pull requests: about 21 hours
Average comments per issue: 2.33
Average comments per pull request: 0.1
Issues created
- chrisbanes/Android-BitmapCache: 5
- everythingme/overscrollview: 2
- daimajia/java-multithread-downloader: 2
- singwhatiwanna/dynamic-load-apk: 2
- HannahMitt/HomeMirror: 2
- mcxiaoke/android-volley: 2
- zuozewei/blog-example: 2
- google/iosched: 1
- alexvasilkov/FoldableLayout: 1
- SimonVT/MessageBar: 1
- siyamed/android-shape-imageview: 1
- JakeWharton/timber: 1
- sephiroth74/androidwheel: 1
- davidschreiber/FancyCoverFlow: 1
- johnkil/Android-AppMsg: 1
- sergejsha/pinned-section-listview: 1
- bytedance/ByteX: 1
Pull requests created
- bytebeats/ApplicationLifecycle: 38
- bytebeats/Anr-Monitor: 36
- bytebeats/AGPs: 21
- bytebeats/compose-charts: 19
- bytebeats/okhttp-analyzer-interceptor: 6
- everythingme/overscrollview: 2
- litao0621/NiftyDialogEffects: 2
- davidschreiber/FancyCoverFlow: 2
- itkacher/OkHttpProfiler: 1
- xluohome/phonedata: 1
- androidx/androidx: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (25, 92.59%)
- Contributor (2, 7.41%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (120, 93.02%)
- Contributor (7, 5.43%)
- None (2, 1.55%)