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GitHub / brwnj issue stats
Total issues: 39
Total pull requests: 50
Merged pull request: 49
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 20 hours
Average comments per issue: 0.64
Average comments per pull request: 0.26
Issues created
- brwnj/bcl2fastq: 7
- brwnj/hundo: 6
- brwnj/idplot: 5
- brwnj/covviz: 4
- brwnj/umitools: 4
- brwnj/radumi: 3
- brwnj/blastdbget: 2
- pnnl/hundo: 2
- daler/metaseq: 1
- brwnj/sequence_clustering: 1
- brwnj/fastq-multx: 1
- brentp/somalier: 1
- lgautier/fastq-and-furious: 1
- brwnj/smoove-nf: 1
Pull requests created
- arq5x/ 10
- brentp/bsub: 4
- brentp/somalier: 4
- brwnj/bcl2fastq: 4
- brwnj/covviz: 4
- brentp/slivar: 4
- pnnl/hundo: 4
- yarden/normpy: 3
- brwnj/umitools: 2
- brentp/jigv: 2
- brentp/bio-playground: 2
- brwnj/polya: 2
- pnnl/cmaputil: 1
- jayhesselberth/peaktools: 1
- brwnj/smoove-nf: 1
- brentp/bpbio: 1
- brentp/poverlap: 1
- brwnj/bcl2fastq: 11
- brwnj/covviz: 8
- brwnj/hundo: 6
- brwnj/umitools: 6
- brwnj/idplot: 5
- brentp/bsub: 4
- brwnj/radumi: 3
- brwnj/blastdbget: 2
- brwnj/polya: 2
- brwnj/smoove-nf: 2
- brwnj/fastq-multx: 1
- brwnj/sequence_clustering: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (34, 87.18%)
- Contributor (3, 7.69%)
- None (2, 5.13%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (33, 66.00%)
- Owner (13, 26.00%)
- Collaborator (4, 8.00%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (6)
- bug (4)