An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / binnur issue stats
Total issues: 105
Total pull requests: 58
Merged pull request: 55
Average time to close issues: 16 days
Average time to close pull requests: about 2 hours
Average comments per issue: 1.17
Average comments per pull request: 0.34
Issues created
Pull requests created
- spartronics4915/atlas: 16
- spartronics4915/developers_handbook: 12
- spartronics4915/2020-infiniterecharge: 7
- spartronics4915/2014-aerial-assist: 7
- binnur/ 5
- binnur/morse-touchtone: 3
- spartronics4915/2016-stronghold: 3
- spartronics4915/2018-powerup: 2
- gnewt/bainbridgefirst: 1
- binnur/2025-kitbot: 1
- binnur/atlas-2020: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (34, 32.38%)
- None (28, 26.67%)
- Contributor (27, 25.71%)
- Owner (16, 15.24%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (38, 65.52%)
- Owner (10, 17.24%)
- Collaborator (10, 17.24%)
Top Issue Labels
- type/enhancement (22)
- subsystem/interface (14)
- enhancement (11)
- subsystem/elevator (9)
- special/help wanted (7)
- category/priority issue (7)
- special/please add comments (7)
- bug (7)
- mode/teleoperated (6)
- subsystem/drivetrain (6)
- category/minor (6)
- category/critical (6)
- subsystem/vision (4)
- in progress (3)
- documentation (3)