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GitHub / bgirardot issue stats
Total issues: 123
Total pull requests: 27
Merged pull request: 22
Average time to close issues: 12 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 hour
Average comments per issue: 1.89
Average comments per pull request: 0.96
Issues created
- hotosm/openaerialmap: 25
- hotosm/osm-export-tool: 24
- bgirardot/graphics-for-stuff: 15
- hotosm/tasking-manager: 9
- hotosm/oam-browser: 8
- hotosm/hotosm-website: 7
- bgirardot/nodemcustuff: 5
- hotosm/old-export-tool: 4
- hotosm/osm-tasking-manager2: 4
- hotosm/oam-docs: 3
- hotosm/tech: 3
- bgirardot/activationcurriculum: 2
- ethan-nelson/osm_hall_monitor: 2
- OpenDroneMap/odm_vagrant: 2
- kartoza/osm-reporter: 2
- hotosm/hot-design-system: 2
- hotosm/hot-summit: 2
- ekmartin/slack-irc: 1
- kresp0/osmboxes: 1
- Hexxeh/rpi-update: 1
- Zverik/simple-revert: 1
Pull requests created
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (45, 36.59%)
- Collaborator (41, 33.33%)
- Owner (22, 17.89%)
- Contributor (15, 12.20%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (17, 62.96%)
- Contributor (10, 37.04%)
Top Issue Labels
- v1 wontfix (12)
- Status: Review needed (11)
- v2 (10)
- enhancement (6)
- Type: Enhancement (4)
- feature request (4)
- bug (4)
- Priority: Medium (3)
- Priority: High (3)
- High Priority (3)
- should (2)
- high (2)
- in progress (2)
- project management (2)
- Medium Priority (2)