An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / awayken issue stats
Total issues: 113
Total pull requests: 270
Merged pull request: 266
Average time to close issues: 10 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 17 hours
Average comments per issue: 0.71
Average comments per pull request: 0.37
Issues created
- awayken/ 46
- awayken/2018-christmas-card: 18
- awayken/covid-checklist: 13
- awayken/2016-christmas-card: 11
- awayken/jsimplefader: 4
- awayken/usf-art329: 3
- awayken/2015sdcodecamp: 3
- isaacs/minimatch: 2
- awayken/2016devobjective: 2
- nolanlawson/ 2
- awayken/github-for-developers-7: 1
- awayken/forgotten-english: 1
- danbroooks/gulp-phantomcss: 1
- yahoo/reginabox: 1
- ben-eb/generator-postcss: 1
- Azure/node-sqlserver: 1
- wadey/node-microtime: 1
- tomgenoni/cssdig-chrome: 1
- awayken/2017-christmas-card: 1
Pull requests created
- awayken/2017-christmas-card: 80
- awayken/ 39
- awayken/2018-christmas-card: 28
- awayken/2016-christmas-card: 15
- awayken/covid-checklist: 14
- awayken/awayken-github-creator: 10
- awayken/2020-christmas-card: 9
- awayken/sustainable-cfs: 7
- awayken/2015-christmas-card: 7
- awayken/reactjsnet-demo: 5
- awayken/miles-is-dumb: 4
- awayken/isle: 4
- awayken/show-tracking-ids: 3
- awayken/heytrex: 3
- awayken/react-introduction-presentation: 2
- awayken/billboard: 2
- awayken/github-for-developers-7: 2
- nolanlawson/ 2
- awayken/rdc-communication-protocol: 2
- awayken/postcss-placeholdit: 2
- atuttle/atom-language-cfml: 2
- awayken/2019-christmas-card: 2
- awayken/text-repeater: 2
- nuxt/awesome: 2
- awayken/web-components-introduction-presentation: 2
- awayken/github-pages-with-jekyll: 2
- awayken/bash-it-theme: 2
- microsoft/nodejs-guidelines: 2
- awayken/hello-github-actions: 2
- leereilly/emoji: 1
- busterc/yos: 1
- stathat/shlibs: 1
- awayken/2013sdcodecamp: 1
- maxogden/art-of-node: 1
- max-mapper/art-of-node: 1
- awayken/css-inliner: 1
- vercel/zsh-theme: 1
- yahoo/reginabox: 1
- awayken/ 1
- awayken/bookmarklet-template: 1
- awayken/github-for-developers: 1
- awayken/ 85
- awayken/2017-christmas-card: 81
- awayken/2018-christmas-card: 46
- awayken/covid-checklist: 27
- awayken/2016-christmas-card: 26
- awayken/awayken-github-creator: 10
- awayken/2020-christmas-card: 9
- awayken/2015-christmas-card: 7
- awayken/sustainable-cfs: 7
- awayken/reactjsnet-demo: 5
- awayken/miles-is-dumb: 4
- awayken/jsimplefader: 4
- awayken/isle: 4
- awayken/usf-art329: 3
- awayken/2015sdcodecamp: 3
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (103, 91.15%)
- None (7, 6.19%)
- Contributor (3, 2.65%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (255, 94.44%)
- Contributor (15, 5.56%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (46)
- question (9)
- should fix (8)
- nice-to-have (8)
- need-to-have (5)
- bug (4)
- might fix (4)
- news section (4)
- read section (3)
- syllabus (2)
- homepage (2)
- bio (1)
- help wanted (1)