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GitHub / anton-kotenko issue stats
Total issues: 6
Total pull requests: 51
Merged pull request: 44
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 3 days
Average comments per issue: 0.5
Average comments per pull request: 0.12
Issues created
Pull requests created
- elasticio/sailor-nodejs: 9
- bem-node/promised-models: 9
- bem-node/bem-node: 6
- elasticio/ksonnet-registry: 6
- elasticio/amqp-rpc: 3
- anton-kotenko/kyotocabinet-node: 3
- bem-node/bem-promised-models: 3
- elasticio/apprunner: 2
- wtfil/jslint-line: 2
- elasticio/request-reply-component: 2
- elasticio/rabbitmq-stats: 2
- elasticio/elasticio-rest-node: 1
- f4exb/sdrangel: 1
- Southern/node-x509: 1
- elasticio/headless-chrome: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (2, 33.33%)
- None (2, 33.33%)
- Contributor (2, 33.33%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (38, 74.51%)
- None (10, 19.61%)
- Owner (3, 5.88%)