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GitHub / andyjack issue stats
Total issues: 2
Total pull requests: 141
Merged pull request: 120
Average time to close issues: 31 minutes
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 month
Average comments per issue: 2.0
Average comments per pull request: 0.79
Issues created
Pull requests created
- andyjack/neo-tracker: 31
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-java: 17
- maxmind/minfraud-api-php: 5
- maxmind/GeoIP2-php: 5
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-php: 5
- maxmind/web-service-common-php: 4
- maxmind/minfraud-api-python: 4
- maxmind/GeoIP2-python: 4
- houseabsolute/test-class-moose: 3
- houseabsolute/perl-code-tidyall: 3
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-python: 3
- maxmind/geoip2-csv-converter: 3
- perl-catalyst/Catalyst-View-JSON: 3
- maxmind/geoip-api-php: 3
- maxmind/GeoIP2-perl: 2
- bobtfish/log-message-structured: 2
- frezik/UAV-Pilot: 2
- magicmonty/bash-git-prompt: 2
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB: 2
- toddr/sys-mmap: 2
- brianc/node-postgres-docs: 2
- maxmind/mm-geofeed-verifier: 2
- maxmind/mm-network-analyzer: 2
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-dotnet: 2
- larrymyers/jasmine-reporters: 1
- maxmind/mmdbinspect: 1
- sparky/perl-Net-Curl: 1
- garu/net-google-analytics-measurementprotocol: 1
- lisamelton/video-transcoding-scripts: 1
- maxmind/geoip-api-java: 1
- maxmind/minfraud-api-perl: 1
- btrott/Crypt-OpenPGP: 1
- moose/MooseX-Role-Parameterized: 1
- andyjack/voip-ms-cli: 1
- 2shortplanks/alfred-metacpan: 1
- soyersoyer/fmp4streamer: 1
- maxmind/mmdbverify: 1
- galenframework/ 1
- moose/Moose: 1
- houseabsolute/List-AllUtils: 1
- maxmind/TAP-Formatter-TeamCity: 1
- mdempsky/gocode: 1
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS: 1
- oalders/mmdb-getting-started: 1
- andyjack/geoip2-haproxy-ranges: 1
- oalders/lwp-consolelogger: 1
- maxmind/mod_maxminddb: 1
- oalders/www-robocop: 1
- AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim: 1
- houseabsolute/File-LibMagic: 1
- koorchik/mojolicious-plugin-jsurlfor: 1
- perlancar/perl-Perinci-CmdLine-Lite: 1
- andyjack/neo-tracker: 31
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-java: 17
- maxmind/minfraud-api-php: 5
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-php: 5
- maxmind/GeoIP2-php: 5
- maxmind/minfraud-api-python: 4
- maxmind/web-service-common-php: 4
- maxmind/GeoIP2-python: 4
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-python: 3
- maxmind/geoip-api-php: 3
- maxmind/geoip2-csv-converter: 3
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB: 2
- maxmind/GeoIP2-perl: 2
- maxmind/mm-network-analyzer: 2
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-dotnet: 2
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (1, 50.00%)
- Contributor (1, 50.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (70, 49.65%)
- Owner (33, 23.40%)
- Contributor (28, 19.86%)
- None (10, 7.09%)