An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / abhinav issue stats
Total issues: 289
Total pull requests: 1,437
Merged pull request: 1,357
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 10 days
Average comments per issue: 0.93
Average comments per pull request: 0.94
Issues created
- abhinav/git-spice: 60
- abhinav/doc2go: 23
- uber-go/cff: 20
- thriftrw/thriftrw-python: 18
- abhinav/stitchmd: 15
- abhinav/git-pr: 14
- uber-go/gopatch: 11
- thriftrw/thriftrw-node: 9
- uber-go/fx: 8
- uber-go/guide: 8
- uber-go/sally: 7
- pulumi/pulumi: 6
- uber-go/zap: 6
- abhinav/requiredfield: 5
- abhinav/restack: 4
- stacked-git/stgit: 4
- Kunde21/markdownfmt: 4
- uber/tchannel-python: 4
- temporalio/sdk-go: 3
- abhinav/shon-go: 3
- abhinav/tmux-fastcopy: 3
- alecthomas/kong: 2
- abhinav/goldmark-toc: 2
- antonboom/testifylint: 2
- uber-go/mapdecode: 2
- pulumi/pulumi-dotnet: 2
- uber-go/multierr: 2
- writeas/go-writeas: 2
- abhinav/goldmark-wikilink: 2
- uber-go/mock: 2
- maxatome/go-testdeep: 1
- uber-go/atomic: 1
- uber/tchannel: 1
- uber-archive/cherami-client-go: 1
- uber/doubles: 1
- evilsocket/shellz: 1
- jaegertracing/jaeger-client-python: 1
- abhinav/sandman: 1
- facebook/dotslash: 1
- facebook/install-dotslash: 1
- pulumi/pulumi-github: 1
- alecthomas/kong-yaml: 1
- bufbuild/buf: 1
- miniscruff/changie: 1
- ziglang/zig: 1
- crossdock/crossdock: 1
- uber/tchannel-node: 1
- pulumi/pulumi-java: 1
- abhinav/gitprompt: 1
- uber/ 1
- cashapp/hermit: 1
- abhinav/temp.zig: 1
- uber/cassette: 1
- uber/prototool: 1
- mgechev/revive: 1
- itchyny/gojq: 1
- abhinav/pinch: 1
- uber-go/config: 1
- shyiko/jabba: 1
- Tonkpils/snag: 1
- ericchiang/pup: 1
- Aloxaf/fzf-tab: 1
- uber-go/tools: 1
- golang/go: 1
- xwmx/nb: 1
- peterbourgon/ff: 1
Pull requests created
- abhinav/git-spice: 184
- abhinav/tmux-fastcopy: 80
- abhinav/doc2go: 79
- abhinav/stitchmd: 72
- abhinav/restack: 50
- abhinav/git-pr: 46
- uber-go/multierr: 40
- abhinav/goldmark-mermaid: 39
- uber-go/sally: 37
- uber-go/zap: 36
- thriftrw/thriftrw-python: 35
- uber-go/cff: 32
- Kunde21/markdownfmt: 31
- abhinav/goldmark-toc: 31
- uber-go/atomic: 30
- pulumi/pulumi: 30
- uber/tchannel-python: 28
- uber-go/fx: 28
- thriftrw/thriftrw-go: 26
- uber-go/gopatch: 25
- abhinav/goldmark-wikilink: 24
- uber-go/guide: 18
- abhinav/goldmark-hashtag: 18
- uber-go/dig: 16
- abhinav/txtar.zig: 16
- abhinav/ring-go: 16
- uber-go/goleak: 15
- pulumi/pulumi-java: 14
- abhinav/pinch: 14
- uber-go/mapdecode: 13
- abhinav/shon-go: 12
- abhinav/language-thrift: 12
- uber-go/automaxprocs: 12
- uber/ 11
- abhinav/fsrun-go: 10
- abhinav/requiredfield: 10
- abhinav/gitprompt: 10
- abhinav/goldmark-anchor: 9
- abhinav/goldmark-frontmatter: 9
- alecthomas/kong: 9
- abhinav/unexportedglobal: 9
- philopon/haddocset: 7
- uber-go/config: 7
- abhinav/asciidoctor-godoc: 7
- cashapp/hermit: 7
- uber/uber-licence: 6
- abhinav/temp.zig: 6
- yarpc/yab: 6
- abhinav/huffman-go: 6
- ziglibs/ansi-term: 6
- jchenry/goldmark-pikchr: 6
- yarpc/metrics: 5
- crossdock/crossdock: 5
- pulumi/pulumi-dotnet: 4
- abhinav/stitchmd-action: 4
- tiehuis/zig-regex: 4
- writeas/go-writeas: 4
- yuin/goldmark: 4
- writeas/writeas-cli: 4
- uber-go/tally: 4
- stacked-git/stgit: 4
- rogpeppe/go-internal: 4
- bwplotka/mdox: 4
- thriftrw/thriftrw-node: 3
- rsc/script: 3
- uber-go/tools: 3
- GoodWriteHQ/threadloop: 3
- prashantv/clock: 3
- uber-common/bark: 3
- charmbracelet/vhs: 3
- ajg/neat: 2
- bombela/theknob: 2
- abhinav/stub-go: 2
- aloiscochard/codex: 2
- uber/tchannel: 2
- benbjohnson/clock: 2
- pulumi/go-change: 2
- pulumi/goteststats: 2
- pulumi/actions: 2
- facebook/dotslash: 2
- travis-ci/gimme: 2
- sywhang/dig: 1
- itchyny/gojq: 1
- xolox/vim-notes: 1
- rs/zerolog: 1
- launchdarkly/go-jsonstream: 1
- alecthomas/chroma: 1
- pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge: 1
- flyingmutant/rapid: 1
- peterbourgon/ff: 1
- sethvargo/go-githubactions: 1
- kisielk/errcheck: 1
- t9md/vim-quickhl: 1
- evilsocket/shellz: 1
- jcorbin/neovim-termhide: 1
- pulumi/setup-pulumi: 1
- mchakravarty/language-c-inline: 1
- ejoffe/spr: 1
- crossdock/crossdock-go: 1
- miniscruff/changie: 1
- svent/sift: 1
- pulumi/action-test-provider-downstream: 1
- goreleaser/example-zig-cgo: 1
- abhinav/fx: 1
- goreleaser/goreleaser-example-zig-cgo: 1
- Twingate-Labs/pulumi-twingate: 1
- uber/tchannel-go: 1
- pulumi/pulumi-command: 1
- jonas/tig: 1
- DataDog/datadog-go: 1
- pulumi/pulumi-awsx: 1
- alecthomas/kong-yaml: 1
- abhinav/komplete: 1
- sywhang/fx: 1
- gabriella439/managed: 1
- tmux-plugins/list: 1
- mgechev/revive: 1
- maxatome/go-testdeep: 1
- pointlander/peg: 1
- lmittmann/tint: 1
- xyhp915/logseq-journals-calendar: 1
- golangci/golangci-lint: 1
- pulumi/templates: 1
- abhinav/farmhash: 1
- shyiko/jabba: 1
- abhinav/git-spice: 244
- abhinav/doc2go: 102
- abhinav/stitchmd: 87
- abhinav/tmux-fastcopy: 83
- abhinav/git-pr: 60
- abhinav/restack: 54
- uber-go/cff: 52
- uber-go/sally: 44
- uber-go/zap: 42
- uber-go/multierr: 42
- abhinav/goldmark-mermaid: 39
- Kunde21/markdownfmt: 35
- abhinav/goldmark-toc: 33
- uber-go/atomic: 31
- abhinav/goldmark-wikilink: 26
Active Maintainer
- abhinav/git-spice: 243
- uber-go/fx: 12
- abhinav/restack: 8
- abhinav/tmux-fastcopy: 8
- abhinav/doc2go: 7
- abhinav/huffman-go: 6
- abhinav/txtar.zig: 6
- abhinav/goldmark-mermaid: 6
- abhinav/temp.zig: 3
- uber-go/zap: 3
- abhinav/requiredfield: 2
- abhinav/stub-go: 2
- abhinav/stitchmd: 1
- abhinav/goldmark-frontmatter: 1
- abhinav/goldmark-toc: 1
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (135, 46.71%)
- Contributor (80, 27.68%)
- Collaborator (52, 17.99%)
- None (22, 7.61%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (778, 54.14%)
- Contributor (388, 27.00%)
- Collaborator (252, 17.54%)
- None (18, 1.25%)
- Member (1, 0.07%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (86)
- bug (24)
- area/git (7)
- resolution/fixed (7)
- good first issue (6)
- housekeeping (5)
- language/go (5)
- area/sdks (5)
- kind/enhancement (5)
- documentation (5)
- help wanted (4)
- area/forge (3)
- contributor-friendly (3)
- kind/bug (2)
- false-positive (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- skip changelog (47)
- impact/no-changelog-required (32)
- prepare-release (15)
- python (2)
- do-not-merge (2)
- cla signed (2)
- Merged (2)
- stale (1)
- size/S (1)
- area/templates (1)
- linter: new (1)
- blocked (1)