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GitHub / aaronhowser1 issue stats
Total issues: 108
Total pull requests: 0
Merged pull request: 0
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: N/A
Average comments per issue: 2.55
Average comments per pull request: 0
Issues created
- su5ed/somnia-awoken: 15
- ftbteam/ftb-mods-issues: 9
- cyclopsmc/evilcraft: 6
- tasgon/observable: 6
- TeamWizardry/LibrarianLib: 5
- blakebr0/extendedcrafting: 5
- timrwood/roost: 4
- mrbysco/instrumentalmobs: 4
- buuz135/thaumic-jei: 4
- Brian-Wuest/MC-Prefab: 4
- FTBTeam/FTB-App: 4
- lothrazar/absentbydesign: 4
- t145/metal-chests: 3
- CJ-MC-Mods/Overloaded: 3
- innovativeonlineindustries/emojiful: 2
- ellpeck/naturesaura: 2
- ValkyrienSkies/Valkyrien-Skies-2: 2
- shedaniel/reiplugincompatibilities-issues: 2
- owmii/powah: 2
- dantman/elite-vr-cockpit: 2
- jsmnbom/ao3-enhancements: 2
- mehvahdjukaar/justenougheffectdescriptions: 2
- keksuccino/fancymenu-audio-extension: 1
- yung-gang/yungs-bridges: 1
- chloedawn/backpackbaubles: 1
- cyclopsmc/everlastingabilities: 1
- ftbteam/ftb-modpack-issues: 1
- TwelveIterationMods/TrashSlot: 1
- fuzss/nightconfigfixes: 1
- malte0811/nbtedit: 1
- cyclopsmc/integratedcrafting: 1
- 62832/megacells: 1
- dylanpdx/vxreddit: 1
- chloedawn/iknowwhatimdoing: 1
- mrbysco/justenoughprofessions: 1
- malte0811/recipebuffers: 1
- YUNG-GANG/YUNGs-Better-Mineshafts: 1
- Ladysnake/Illuminations: 1
Pull requests created
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (108, 100.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
Top Issue Labels
- bug (32)
- 2: Feature (9)
- enhancement (8)
- FTB Quests (8)
- mc-1.19 (7)
- 1.16 (6)
- Bug (5)
- Enhancement (4)
- MC 1.16+ (4)
- compat (4)
- stale (3)
- question (3)
- prio: Medium ◓ (3)
- MC 1.17 (2)
- MC 1.16 (2)